The Mastodon social network information thread

I guess you could still have communites of scumbags. Like we have on here.

I suppose so, though more contained. Which is a good thing. Like Telegram, you could end up with servers full of conspiracy theorists, but I imagine one gets that everywhere.
It does sound like a potential extremist breeding ground.

No different to IRC servers or Discord servers. It's the same theory.

Sounds like there's a central "master" and the owners of this platform can "permaban" servers. This does not stop new ones popping up though. Infact decentralised means it can never be shut down, ever. :cry: Unless the central master server is taken down.

Only other way is to cut net connections, I guess.
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It just seems a bit complicated and not sure what problem it’s trying to solve. I don’t think many people mind adverts on twitter, they are hardly in your face. People dislike the new blue tick thing but time will tell if people just accept it and if so, Mastodon is pointless.

Also, this unique server thing. Whos the admin? Do they have rules? Accountability? Seems like a circle jerk tbh.

I use twitter to follow political news as all the people I want to follow use it. This mastodon seems to be for geeks who like watching other people play video games. I don’t get the appeal.
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The server selection just screams echo chamber on another level to what social media already provides.
You can choose which communities you're interested in, instead of being force-fed whatever Twitter's algorithm wants you to see.

I'm on the game dev Mastodon server, which has a lot of interesting stuff relevant to my job, without all the politics and noise on Twitter. It's win for me.
You can choose which communities you're interested in, instead of being force-fed whatever Twitter's algorithm wants you to see.

I'm on the game dev Mastodon server, which has a lot of interesting stuff relevant to my job, without all the politics and noise on Twitter. It's win for me.

Until you join 30+ masterdon servers then it just gets noisy?

Exactly like decentralised IRC channels.

The more people that are in, the more people post the noisy it gets.
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Such a promising start. :D
It's been around for years, it's federated so performance is at the mercy of the node providers. It's just getting battered because of people fleeing Twitter at the moment, it'll soon settle down.

How well the community moderation works, we'll see. Seems to work for Reddit, kinda.
social media needs to die in a fire TBH need to get back to MSM, ICQ and IRC

I tried to get an IRC room up for people on here, there was about 8-10 of us at one point. Never took off so I closed it down. It was the time when there was hell on about the Discord server.

Also if you really want to go back on msn you can. Search Escargot msn. It's been reverse engineered and it's back running.
It's the first time I've heard of that site.

First impression from reading the thread and taking a look is its like echo chamber central.

I can understand the ability to focus on a specific topic. But then it sounds like you're stuck on that topic.

Also what is the point in it being decentralised if you can still be banned by someone not part of your group/server? It should mean that moderation is decentralised. But I wonder how companies get the section 230 shield (I'm assuming its American based?). Otherwise its going to lead to legal problems.

IRC was good! Though a lot of people moved away from it when Facebook appeared.
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