* The Metal Thread *

Well, I guess this is the correct place for this... I just made a new guitar cover and hopefully I can introduce you to 2 new bands in the process:

Dragonland - Contact (guitar cover)

My band is called Ascension - www.ascensionband.co.uk
going to see Hypocrisy next month, should be good

Satyricon better come up with something good this time

Haven't enjoyed anything they've done since Volcano, although Frosts' side project 1349 are a pretty decent replacement.

Are you seeing Hypocrisy with Arsis as support?

Just remembered they released a song from their new album:

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new Kvelertak album was released today

Saw them a few weeks ago in Birmingham and they were brilliant.

most of the videos are not nsfw so google them
Just as a heads up, Author & Punisher is going on tour in the UK in May. If you haven't yet, look up some of his live videos and interviews on Youtube (may be under his name of Tristan Shone). The guy is seriously talented, producing quite dronish, industrial sounding music with instruments that he's made himself. Not strictly metal, but may be of interest to some of you.

I myself will be going to his Birmingham gig (Saturday 11th May), where he'll be playing with Gnod and ORE.

EDIT: Two interviews with Tristan here, showing off his working process and some of his contraptions. The first one is older and has some instruments that are now relegated to a much lesser status; the second is newer (with mostly his current instrument lineup) and touches upon some of the stuff he's been developing (synth masks etc)

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The new Intronaut album is quite good. if you're into progressive metal with a bit of jazz.

A track from The Secret, italian blackened hardcore.

Eryn Non Dae, french metallers.

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I don't care much for the make-up/style, but I love the menacing atmosphere in this album:

One of my favourite songs from one of my favourite 'old-school' death metal albums. Chilling guitars/vocals and mid-section to the song:

Still waiting on a new album from these lot as well, although they have lost some members in recent years so they may be excused:

New song from TBDM.

Also a new song from Hacride. Not sure what to think about it yet, seems quite different from their previous stuff.

Brilliant closing track.
weazle - Thanks for the Intronaut track. I haven't heard them before but Holy Jebus they're amazing!
May I present Beatallica! A band where their songs are a mix of The Beatles and Metallica!
Can't stop listening to them recently!

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