Laptops are just not worth messing with better off spending the money on a pc i just dont like laptops at all since you cant upgrade them like you can a pc.
its the 6970 not 6990 you muppit:) (though ought to be (should?))


OI!! less of calling me a Muppet,,, lol , on that note have you seen that there is a new Muppet Movie??, Thanks for your help.

Any word on the build quality of the Samsung? ie plastic or more refined?
Hey guys, first post as my 'thirst' for more knowledge about this laptop has not been quenched and has landed me on this page.

For those of you looking for more benchmarks and reviews, here are the very few I have found in the dark depths of the internet. Any more that people can find would be appreciated! :)


http://www.notebookinfo.de/produkte/samsung-serie-7-gamer-700g7a/np700g7a-s02de/00008039/#Tests (needs translating from German, but with a very in depth review!)

http://g3ar.co.za/review/samsung-series-7-700g-gamer-laptop/ (south african website with some useful benchmark info)

I think maybe the dial is a bit of a gimic, but a useful one. The main reason for my purchase (I am still waiting for it's arrival) is the lack of "I'm a hardcore gamer, so deal with it" attitude. I do want to be able to bring this in to the office at some point without everyone thinking that I eat ogres for breakfast... but maybe that is just me.

Thanks. Some really great information in there. I really want it even more now. Hope it comes in soon.
I've got one of these now... and Wow! Seriously impressed! It'll run BF3 absolutely flawlessly on the 'auto' setting which includes most features on High and a couple on Ultra.

I've not had time to do any benchmarks but everything I throw at it, it handles with ease.

The screen is also worth a big mention. Not only is it very bright and chrisp it also doesn't suffer from bad reflections like a lot of the competition seems to these days. 120Mhz means everything runs nice and smoothly. The 3D works well, I tried a little COD WAW and it did look very impressive.

Boot time is reasonable with the machine booting up in 30 seconds or so and flash cache means that popular applications like IE etc load instantly.

The profile dial is a decent feature and even on full tilt in gaming mode running BF3 the noise isn't excessive imo and the palm rest and keyboard never really get hot.

They keyboard is a joy to use and offers good feedback, it's possibly one of the nicest keyboards i've used, and working in IT i've used a few!

The construction overal is very sturdy and well built, but I guess only time will tell how it stands up to regular use.

If anyone has any questions i'll do my best to answer them... :)
I've got one of these now... and Wow! Seriously impressed! It'll run BF3 absolutely flawlessly on the 'auto' setting which includes most features on High and a couple on Ultra.

The profile dial is a decent feature and even on full tilt in gaming mode running BF3 the noise isn't excessive imo and the palm rest and keyboard never really get hot.

If anyone has any questions i'll do my best to answer them... :)

I'm interested in this laptop, mainly for gaming while I'm away from home. My main game ATM is BF3, and just wondering what your FPS is and what resolution your running it at... etc etc :)
you cant move a PC llike you can move a laptop

Which is why you should have both :D

Even my laptop eats most modern games for breakfast (Ati 5870) and it was half the price of this.

Take this, remove a lot of the very high end features but keep the decent core parts and you get mine. Nothing like as flashy or refined but still able to deliver when needed away from home :)
Laptops are just not worth messing with better off spending the money on a pc i just dont like laptops at all since you cant upgrade them like you can a pc.

My first order with Overclockers, looking forward to receiving it. :)

Have you recieved this yet? I am still waiting (I ordered mine through a work scheme so not OCuk, sorry guys!). Would be great to see what your first impressions were.
I've got one of these now... and Wow! Seriously impressed! It'll run BF3 absolutely flawlessly on the 'auto' setting which includes most features on High and a couple on Ultra.

I've not had time to do any benchmarks but everything I throw at it, it handles with ease.

The screen is also worth a big mention. Not only is it very bright and chrisp it also doesn't suffer from bad reflections like a lot of the competition seems to these days. 120Mhz means everything runs nice and smoothly. The 3D works well, I tried a little COD WAW and it did look very impressive.

Boot time is reasonable with the machine booting up in 30 seconds or so and flash cache means that popular applications like IE etc load instantly.

The profile dial is a decent feature and even on full tilt in gaming mode running BF3 the noise isn't excessive imo and the palm rest and keyboard never really get hot.

They keyboard is a joy to use and offers good feedback, it's possibly one of the nicest keyboards i've used, and working in IT i've used a few!

The construction overal is very sturdy and well built, but I guess only time will tell how it stands up to regular use.

If anyone has any questions i'll do my best to answer them... :)

Do the two 750gb drives come set up in RAID 0?
I'm interested in this laptop, mainly for gaming while I'm away from home. My main game ATM is BF3, and just wondering what your FPS is and what resolution your running it at... etc etc :)

I'll do a proper test when I get home this evening so that I can give you a decent answer. Off the top of my head though I consistantly get over 35fps with Textures on Ultra and I 'think' everything else on high @1080p... but i've not had time to give it a proper work out as yet. I can confirm however that the game looks fantastic and that I don't suffer any stuttering, slow down, or negative effects regardless of map size and what is happening on screen. :)
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