The most stupidly hard game you have ever completed/not completed.

lee87 said:
Final Fantasy 8 is nearly impossible to complete, I still haven't killed the final boss. No matter how much health you have the boss can use a move which puts everyone in your team's health to 1. You can go from 99999 to 1 in one move. I was playing the game for ages trying to get past the boss but gave up in the end.

I just cast triple on them all, then the bos puts u all to one just use the other 2 chara to heal themself but leave squal, let him do limit break over and over and hope u get lionheart a few times and its gameeee overrrrr :D
Ninja Gaiden on the master system. Never finished castle of illusion either always got to the end and got owned.
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The Seven Gates of Jambala on AtariST

Some of the stupid "surreal" adventures on the Spectrum, ie. Sam Spade, The Hulk etc.
Ninja Gaiden on the other settings is mad, im still having to play through it all again to unlock Master Ninja mode as my original xbox died :(

There was a turtles game on the amiga which was well hard! also a few puzzle type side scroller where challenging, Rick Dangerous and stuff - no modern games have really been that bad. A few bits need a couple of attempts but other then Gaiden they are ok.
Forgot about Ninja Gaiden. Hell, I gave up on the very first NES game after a matter of minutes, it was stupidly difficult, and didn't even have the decent control system of the Xbox version.
Hmm, a toughie...

Never managed to complete all of Goldeneye on 007 difficulty - friends could, but somehow I just couldn't manage it.

I'm not so sure of any others; games seem really rather easy these days.
If I was to sit down and think about it, there are loads of games over the years which I've found to be too hard. Some of them I could have progressed further or completed if I'd really wanted to, but I play a game to have fun, not to tear my hair out in frustration. A game which is too easy is no good either, the balance has to be right.

A case in point among recent(ish) games is PGR 1 and 2. PGR 1 was too hard and unforgiving, whereas PGR 2 had those annoyances fixed. Another example is Burnout 3 which I found very frustrating at times - but Burnout 4 (Revenge) was much more enjoyable and forgiving. Toca Race Driver 2 is also too hard, which I hope TRD3 will address.
Never managed to complete Treasure Island DIzzy, weird. Also Turtles on the NES was rock solid.
I could never complete Super Mario Bros :o

Also on the NES I found The Simpsons: Bart Vs The World to be stupidly hard, as was McDonaldland. :o
did anyone ever complete toe jam and earl?

Me and my friend must have wasted years trying to complete it. We even whipped it out again not long ago to have another go (thought the added age might make us more wise). Grrr i want to complete it before i die!
the last level of Driver on the PSX was pretty hard

you had around 10 FBI style cars constantly ramming you
DaveyD said:

Wasn't exactly stupidly hard, but it had a stupid control system where you had to use about 4 different buttons to move your arm to pick up guns and aim etc. I did think it was a fantastic game as it used a physics engine which worked very well for a time when physics hadn't been used like that, and wouldn't be properly for a long time.

Plus you had hardly any clue that a raptor or T-Rex would just pop up behind you and kill you, and when they got close to you, and you tried to aim say the shotgun, you'd end up hitting them round the side of the face like a big slap ! :p

roffles, I remember that. I was also fascinated by looking down and seeing a pair of jugs :o *Was about 10/11 when played game*..
DaveyD said:

Wasn't exactly stupidly hard, but it had a stupid control system where you had to use about 4 different buttons to move your arm to pick up guns and aim etc. I did think it was a fantastic game as it used a physics engine which worked very well for a time when physics hadn't been used like that, and wouldn't be properly for a long time.

Plus you had hardly any clue that a raptor or T-Rex would just pop up behind you and kill you, and when they got close to you, and you tried to aim say the shotgun, you'd end up hitting them round the side of the face like a big slap ! :p

As if you actually played the game you just looked down all the time :p

edit: bah beaten to it. At leasts its famous for something.
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