The most stupidly hard game you have ever completed/not completed.

I actually never completes Zelda: Ocarina of time :eek: I got to trying to save the princess in the fish but i get dying and it drove me crazy and i just gave up :rolleyes:
For me it's probably Ninja Gaiden on Very Hard mode. Normal mode is hard enough for some people, but Very Hard is completely insane unless you're willing to put major time and effort into the game. Never has a game challenge me as much as this one has.
last game i considered hard was f-zero gx. never did complete it 100%, though was close.. only had 2-3 more ghost times to beat. i dont really play single player games to the full these days, i just complete the main game.. multiplayer is where its at :D
Completing the "Challenge of the Gods" mode in God of War on PS2 was quite possibly the most frustrating memories of gaming for me (and ive been gaming since the atari 2600 was new) but It was very satisfying when I finally beat it ;)
Andelusion said:

edit: lol posted before your edit, though it was spooky ;)


Somewhere in the UK two guys sat down and thought about trespassers jugs at the same time. :p

Id rather have won the lottery tho.
Syndicate: American Revolt add-on..

I was only about 13 at the time, but the original game was pretty hard near the end, but the add-on pack was impossible :eek:
Always though trying to get invincible mod on goldeneye 64 was stupidly hard, but after many tries i finally got it.
dlittley said:
Shadow of the Beast 2 on the Amiga. Did anyone ever get past the first 10 minutes? Think I got stuck by some rock or something.

Dude that game was stupid hard, I alwasy went left at the start of the game and that was a dead end near some house so I went back right and ended up getting captured in so prision owned by these goblin dudes, how annoying! You could not get out of the prison at all, had to turn off and start again.
Oh I thouhgt of another one

Hong Kong Phooey on the commodore 64... At the end of the first level there was meant to be a boss, however 99 times out of 100, the boss never showed up :confused:

Never did get past that first level, the only time the boss showed up I died.
Hardest game I've never compleated was Dungeons and Dragons : Eye of the Beholder 2, got very far and then it just became impossible! that was about 8 years ago on the Amiga, recently purchased it for the PC and planning to make my vengance known!

Hardest game I've compleated was probibly beating Supanashwan (SP!) on Speedball 2 (also on the Amiga) after the match I was actualy dripping, that game broke all my joysticks!
Trying to 100% THUG 2 on Sick Difficulty. So frustrating because you *know* it's possible but your fingers just won't go quick enough. Argh! :D
SuperMan said:
did anyone ever complete toe jam and earl?

Me and my housemate finished it just the other day!

Can't believe no-one has mentioned Battletoads yet. I remember getting to a level which was basically a large rotating tower but can't for the life of me remember whether I ever finished it or not. I bought it again a short while ago and can barely get past level three!
LordSplodge said:
* For those of you who are as old as me you will, of course, know that a bug in the game stopped you actually collecting all the objects.

AARRGHHHHHHHH! You had to remind me :(
What? No mention of Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts?

That game was impossible, even the first level on the default difficulty setting!
I never did complete 'Bored of the Rings' on my Amstrad CPC 464. truoble is if you command Fordo to 'Fart' you get the message 'Fordo Farted, everyone died'

...Being a young lad, it was hard not to write the word 'fart' now and again...
hilly said:
Never managed to complete Treasure Island DIzzy, weird

I came into this thread thinking of the same game! even had my spectrum out the other day to give it a go, but not a chance!

1 Life?! Instead Death?! what were they thinking! Bloody jellyfish
Ukadder said:
Hardest game I've never compleated was Dungeons and Dragons : Eye of the Beholder 2, got very far and then it just became impossible! that was about 8 years ago on the Amiga, recently purchased it for the PC and planning to make my vengance known!

Hardest game I've compleated was probibly beating Supanashwan (SP!) on Speedball 2 (also on the Amiga) after the match I was actualy dripping, that game broke all my joysticks!

EOTB2 was stupidly hard at the end. You fight the final boss Dran Draggore, you finally beat him with half your party dead or severely injured and he goes and transforms into a Red Dragon complete with firey breath. Your party then lasts all of about 2 seconds.

The only way of getting anywhere in Shadow of the Beast 2 was to go type in "Ten Pints" near the tree at the start. You were then invincible, but could still get caught in traps if you were not careful. Managed to finish it like that. Almost finished Superfrog as well, but there was a bug when you played on the A500+ that meant you couldnt do something in order to finish the game, cant remember quite what the bug was. Playing on the A600, A1200 it was fine.
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