The MSI Neo2 Platinum Owners Help Thread

O.k. dudes.
Sorry for being late to the party.

1GB OCZ 3700 EB
Watercooling on the cpu.

I've just sent a pic to Vog as I've no host.
I'll comment more when/if he puts it up!;)
Originally posted by Legion
O.k. dudes.
Sorry for being late to the party.

1GB OCZ 3700 EB
Watercooling on the cpu.

I've just sent a pic to Vog as I've no host.
I'll comment more when/if he puts it up!;)

ive just put a linky Jez cos of the size of the piccie.

56K warning,It's huge!

that there is some impressive shiznet dude, ;)

Just to let you all know.....ive been priming now at 5xHTT 218x11 (2400mhz) for 4 hours with no errors at 1.65v core and 2.70 vdimm.

Thats with v 1.0 bios

3800 speeds....nice :D
Cheers for that Andy:D

O.k. I got this board friday and got it set up.
At first it BSOD'D all the time,the culprit was that it did not like my 3700eb at 2.5,2,2,10.
Next stage was o/cing to 225 htt,again BSOD's,so slackened my ram to 3,3,3,10 and all is well.
It runs 240 1/1 no problem at 4xhtt,anything over is a no go!
So now it's time to play with the dividers set the max memclock to 166,ht(ldt)to 3 and have a play.
The max stable I can get through the bios is 310 htt x8 for a total clock of 2480 which is no good to me as I like to run 2650-2700.
I was hoping to get 333x8 for 2664 which would be a sweet spot,as I'm still keeping the ht at 999.
Also there is no support for 0.5 dividers in the 1.1 bios.
I't's not quite as fast as the A8V either with my gt at 400/1100 I can get 27k on my A8V.
All in all though it's not a bad board and way better than the pants K8N.
For me though I'm still going to wait for the DFI.
This board will be a new home for my 3500.
It might get better with a few bios updates/it might not.
If you like high htt though,this is the one to go for now!;)
Once again thanks to Andy for hosting the pic.
Those htt scores are direct from the bios and not through the use of clockgen!
I'd also like to say that the board is totally unmodded in any way!
Though an ocz ddr booster is winging it's way to me!
Lets see if I can do any better;)
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I'm pretty clueless when it comes to overclocking amd's could you please give me a bit of a step by step run through legion? I have the same processer on its way and a zalman, was just wondering how to get the memory running at a different speed to the htt, and what HTT is. Is it linked to the hyperthreading as you said this was set to 999? I have also ordered the same memory and want to do basicly the same as you have, obviously not quite so high though with air cooling. Any help and advice would be appreciated and as I said esp some info on how you overclocked and the different memory settings.

Thanks a lot

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Originally posted by rlm
I'm pretty clueless when it comes to overclocking amd's could you please give me a bit of a step by step run through legion? I have the same processer on its way and a zalman, was just wondering how to get the memory running at a different speed to the htt, and what HTT is. Is it linked to the hyperthreading as you said this was set to 999? I have also ordered the same memory and want to do basicly the same as you have, obviously not quite so high though with air cooling. Any help and advice would be appreciated and as I said esp some info on how you overclocked and the different memory settings.

Thanks a lot


No worries mate!
htt is another term for fsb,so 240htt=240fsb got it?
When we are overclocking A64's what we need to remember is our ht(ldt) this needs to stay around 1000,hence the multipliers in the bios 2x,3x,4x,5x.
default setting for htt is 200 and 5x ht,for example if we wanted to run 250htt we set the ht to 4x to stay at 1000 ht.
Don't worry you will get the hang of it once you get your head round it!
Let's try it out.
Set your cpu multiplier to 10,htt to 250 and ht to 4x,
giving you a clock speed of 2500 whilst keeping the rest of your system in sync!
As for using the memory divider's,get it up and running and anybody here will be only too happy to help!
Originally posted by derthballs
I couldnt get mine to run at 250fsb with HT set at anything, tried all the way down to 2 :(

Mine will run now at anything I can set it to,except above 313.
The only thing I'm peeved about is the lack of 0.5 dividers for a bit of fine tuning!

Anyone else who's got this board and aren't having much luck,try slackening your memory timings and burning it in a bit!;)
Thanks, didn't realise how the hypertransport speed was calculated but now I think I should be confident enough to try the same (ish) when I get my system. Just one last question though, more of a general one. When people talk of memory timings and settings and say


could someone tell me what it is they are setting to each of the numbers, for example I already know that the first number is the CAS, but what settings do the 2nd, 3rd and fourth number relate to?

Legion your results have rekindled my interest in this board, reading the initial results from others I thought that I had bought the wrong board if I wanted to try overclocking with the A64. This seems to no longer be the case. Thanks for posting the information and thanks for the help.
believe me mate I was ready to put it back in the box and rma it!
Now all I can say is that it's growing on me!
Not a lot but it's still growing on me!
Take a look in the memory forum for timings! ;)
There's an option on this board to boot from a USB floppy and I did so several times with the gigabyte Nforce3 I had previously(memtest and 6800ultra bios flash). For some reason however, the MSI refuses to do so. I get to POST and then I get a "detecting IDE drives...." and that's it. The machine freezes. I can't F10 or DEL, I have to Ctrl, Alt Del and pull out the floppy before it will post. I've done the obvious things like 1st in Boot order, floppy seek etc, as far as I'm aware everything's the same as the gigabyte. If I plug it in once in windows, it's recognised and works fine. Any suggestions would be very welcome.
Has anyone benchmarked the memory bandwidth in Sisoft Sandra ?

I'm only getting 2,142mb/sec or so which is much less than the sample Opteron Nforce 3 150 comparison.

I'm using Corsair XMS Pro PC3200 and have confirmed it is running at 200mhz.

Anything else i can check ?
Does the K8N Neo2 Plat like 2 WD Raptors in RAID? Or does the board complain?
(BTW - I would have posted a link, but I was told in person. Next 2 weeks should show the appearance of a new BIOS for this board to sort out all the bugs. Memory probs. HDD probs. OC'ing probs. Everything. And from then on, MSI will make the boards with that BIOS.)
It always takes a bit of time to get my fx to run at 2700!:D
I can now run at 315htt no worries!
I'm still miffed at the lack of 0.5 dividers though,as they add a nice touch for fine tuning of your clocks!:(
Just to add, havent read this whole thread, been reading about this board.

Turns out (sorry if you already know) that this and the K8N Neo for 754 are exactly the same with the Neo2 having more pins (and an odd feature).

So any memory incompatibility, temperature problems and stability problems will be just the same :eek:
Originally posted by masterk
Just to add, havent read this whole thread, been reading about this board.

Turns out (sorry if you already know) that this and the K8N Neo for 754 are exactly the same with the Neo2 having more pins (and an odd feature).

So any memory incompatibility, temperature problems and stability problems will be just the same :eek:

So if that's true,how come I can run 315htt with abosolute stability?
I couldn't do that on my K8N!
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