forgot to update on here, got my keys last wednesday! woop woop!
funny story though. wanst at the time!
We was told that it could possibly not be the 5th (wed) that it could be completed by, and the vendor was actaully going away the thursday! so i was stressing with work and this on top, other half going mad etc.
She then rang me on the wed (i was working away), and told me the vendor wants us to come round for a chat. in my head, i was thinking shes gona say itll have to wait until shes back in a fortnight, so had that in my head all afternoon!
To then get home, drive round to the house, knock on the door to no answer. For the other half to open the door and say surprise.
I could have KILLED THE ****
so yeah, completed on the 5th as planned(ish) spent last weekend stripping walls ready to be reskimmed and painted!
Cant wait to eventually get in!
We're viewing a house tomorrow morning and, according to the selling agent, at the same time as somebody else. That sounds a bit weird.
Must be like 5 weeks for search stuff.
That sounds horrendous! At least all other major milestones have been reached. We're currently waiting to hear back from the valuation/report, how long did Colleys take to get it to you?
Yeah its been seriously frustrating for us due to our upcoming holiday and how desperate ourselves and the seller were to get things complete.
Considering the offer was accepted on April 11th and we still aren't complete I'm not best pleased with our local council. Taking over 4 weeks to return searches is a joke really.
Its impact has been pretty huge on us. We are gonna need to come back from USA and then move house within a limited time from our return as we will need to be out of our rental around then too.
I had planned to stay in our rental for a month while we did all important jobs to the new place. Instead it looks like we will have to live around rewires/combi install
They got the hard copy of the offer today as did we. There were no real issues with reference to the searches, but we haven't got our home buyer report yet so I'm eagerly awaiting it!