Its been only 2 weeks since i our offer was accepted and our solictors are taking the P a bit.
They sent us a welcome pack just over a week ago with stuff for us to fill out such as our ID, bank details, info on the property, proof of funds etc etc and we had completed all that mid last week and uploaded it to a link they provided to securely upload our files to.
Just a couple of hours ago they emailed us saying "hey, when you ready, please send all out the forms to us in an email......"" like wut??!
My missus then called them up and went HAM on them and they said how they diddnt know that the portal upload system works and that many other clients just send there stuff in a email or dropbox transfer links and that the portal was only used for us to recieve stuff for them? I mean really?!?!?
When you log into there portal it clearly has a menu button saying (Upload files)
It is a bit fiddly as when you upload something there, it doesnt give you a progress bar or a indicator that it has been uploaded and so you have to refresh the page in order to see the update on there portal website...
From now on we are going to have to micro manage these lot and keep badgering them and this is a solictor that my mate recommended! We may have been hired a lemon of a case officer...
Pretty much par for the course in my experience. You may not have hired a lemon, just your typical conveyancing solicitor.