We went to have a look at some more Taylor Wimpey & Barratts houses/developments yesterday. We didn't bother with Persimmon in the end as they've not started building here yet and the other sites aren't in ideal locations.
Again, very pleased with the TW houses and we think we know which one we'd go for now. They didn't have any show homes near by for the one we like, but luckily there was one on site which was almost completed (it was already sold, just having carpets/furniture installed) so she managed to sneak us inside to have a look.
We popped over to Barratts and the lady was nice enough but we had to drive over to another of their developments as they hadn't even begun building yet. It went downhill from there:
- Both sale reps were preoccupied but didn't acknowledge us. We waited around for 10 minutes then just headed straight to the show homes. Even if the TW reps were busy, they'd acknowledge us and asked us to bare with them a second. This is really minor in the grand scheme of things and I didn't even notice it - but my girlfriend did!
- Massive quality difference compared to the TW homes we have seen so far - but we weren't sure if we just hadn't noticed similar things in the TW homes (though some would be impossible to miss!):
- Some internal doors weren't correctly aligned - I had to use quite a bit of strength to open/close a couple of them.
- Paint on the walls, around door frames and on the stair banisters was very messy in places.
- The stair banister was wobbly to the touch and the 'decorations' on top of the poles came off with ease.
- Carpets weren't laid correctly in a few rooms.
- Light switches were almost all the wrong way around (i.e. 'off' was the usual 'on' position, vice versa).
- We found a few notes / lists of things hidden in drawers / cupboards of things which needed fixing in these show homes (I assume written by the sales reps or quality control staff - they were written on 'official' Barratts paper). Not a pleasant read!
- List could go on.
Perhaps we're being overcritical but we only have the show homes to go on for what we might be expecting. It could just be that they're using bad developers for that one particular site but it doesn't leave me with much confidence if they can't even get two show homes looking at their best.
One huge benefit of the day was that we were able to see what a bare TW home looks like with no furniture and very few options - especially as it's the design we really like. The site we're looking at only has one more of these being released this year with a couple of others already pledging their interest. The rep said that if we're able to sort out our side of things soon-ish, she may be able to get the build released early which would allow us to get our reservation in if the others aren't able to. We both really like the location of this site so we're a bit keen to get things moving now.
I'm booked in on Tuesday to speak to a mortgage broker so we can at least get some formal numbers down on paper in case we've jumped way ahead of ourselves in our affordability - but having a look across all the major banks tonight, I think we should be ok. Annoyingly, we weren't looking to buy for another couple of months, but the houses we've looked at push us above the Help to Buy ISA limit so it's pointless waiting around waiting for those to get higher at this point.