The new animated image thread

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11 Nov 2013
that's she's full of it? quite obvious

I disagree.

The logic you're displaying here is
> See hot girl
> Assume she's out of your league
> Resent her for being out of your league
> Assume that she must have some horrible personality/ something unattractive about her
> Feel better about own life

You have no way of knowing when this was recorded/ who she is/ why she is doing what she's doing you literally can't assume ANYTHING from seeing a few seconds of someone's life taken out of context.

My mum always told me (true story) assume makes an ass out of u and me (geddit?). :D
11 Nov 2013
Also, to keep with the spirit of the thread :D
6 Nov 2004
[blond girl svelte]

It would seem that photos and gifs really do steal a part of your soul if you can tell that much about someone from an image...

Anyways, you guys carry on, I'll go back to being hypnotised by those thighs :o :cool:
12 Mar 2008
West sussex
I disagree.

The logic you're displaying here is
> See hot girl
> Assume she's out of your league
> Resent her for being out of your league
> Assume that she must have some horrible personality/ something unattractive about her
> Feel better about own life

You have no way of knowing when this was recorded/ who she is/ why she is doing what she's doing you literally can't assume ANYTHING from seeing a few seconds of someone's life taken out of context.

My mum always told me (true story) assume makes an ass out of u and me (geddit?). :D

don't worry she's not out of my league lol.. I simply posted a comment with my opinion the odd thing is you seem to get a bit butthurt about it? why is that? is she out of your league? ;) what's a league at all? I've seen some proper monkeys pull pretty girls.
11 Nov 2013
don't worry she's not out of my league lol.. I simply posted a comment with my opinion the odd thing is you seem to get a bit butthurt about it? why is that? is she out of your league? ;) what's a league at all? I've seen some proper monkeys pull pretty girls.

My comment was reflecting what I assumed was you opinion not my own.

Glad to here you don't believe in all the league bull crap.

What interests me is then why you'd get so butthurt by a GIF that you'd say something so rude about a girl in a GIF you know nothing about.

The internet is a strange place that gives far too many people the right to be rude to people without fear of retribution. I got butthurt because your comment reminded me of this.
16 Feb 2010
North East England
I disagree.

The logic you're displaying here is
> See hot girl
> Assume she's out of your league
> Resent her for being out of your league
> Assume that she must have some horrible personality/ something unattractive about her
> Feel better about own life

You have no way of knowing when this was recorded/ who she is/ why she is doing what she's doing you literally can't assume ANYTHING from seeing a few seconds of someone's life taken out of context.

My mum always told me (true story) assume makes an ass out of u and me (geddit?). :D

So when you assumed she was out of grudas' league you made an ass out of yourself :D At least you are honest :p
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