The New Cases Gallery

Heres my current rig.


I had originally tried to keep things mainly black inside but now its a bit of a multicolored mess. Oh well :rolleyes:

Nice build man. you mind posting a pic of your cable management?

Cheers mate. Cant get a photo up right now but heres a pic i took of the cable management a few months back (bit out of focus :/ )
Its basically the same at the moment but the hard drives are now hung horizontally with bungee cord.

Well it took my hours to set this up, main reason is my room is limited on space. My back has been killing me since work, and cable management isn't my strong point. I did manage some in the 650D, but I can and shall do better when Im feeling upto it. Doesnt look bright considering theres 2x 10" neons and a 12" on the bottom, so I've ordered 2x 12" blue :)

excuse the mess and bad pictures.

My desk (didnt tidy as I work a lot)


Inside lol. P.S My spec sucks


New case, BIG XL Gaming surface, moved my 360 to the otherside


And I'm annoyed how dim the lights are grrr


Sorry for the bad quality could only get an iphone. So I will spare you any more eyesore and just link to the album also a little minecraft surprise in there.
Hey Semtax nice rig!

Just wondering what temps you are egtting with that cpu cooler, also what fans are you using with it? Thinking of getting this case for my new build.

Cheers MrSteven. I only really monitored the cpu temps when I set the overclock to 4.5ghz a few months back. It was just below 30 when idle and went up just over 60 when stress testing it.
Now i just glance at it occasionally to make sure everything's ok. Its the GPU's that are the main source of heat by far.
I use 2 black Akasa apaches on my cpu cooler (Prolimatech Megahalems) and a third as an exhaust fan. Nice quiet fans but a little pricey.

Lovely case id definitely recommend it :)
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