The 4x HD bay just fits in the top section with the plastic slots for the 2x bay removed.
I removed the rails from the 2x bay and mounted them in the top section to hold the 4x bay in position.
Really really nice. Did you do the cutting yourself? Do you have any sort of plans/diagrams you used? I've been desperately scribbling together ideas for getting a dual loop inside the P182 without havign to put a rad outside
No real plans I'm afraid. Just came up with the idea, measured the space in the bottom section to see if the rad would fit and went for it. I do have a drawing for the rad bracket that I made, but this would only be useful if you were going to use the same rad.
I already had it in mind to use the A.C.Ryan Rad Grills. I used the grill to mark out the holes and cut them out using a Dremel. The holes aren't pretty, but the grills hide any imperfections.
Oh ok. Well thansk for the reply, and nice skills. I'm not going to attempt it myself, i dont have the skills to do these thinsg adhoc without following step by step intructions
Give it a go dampcat. You'll never learn unless you try. I'd never put a toilet in till the other week. Took me all day and 4 trips to B & Q but I've learnt for next time.
Urm... Just lookin at Chris1712's i thought "he's got his ac7 in wring way round" only to sit and think about it, and its mine thats in the wrong way round.... Oh dear. maybe explains y temps go up when i turn fans up :s
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