Gaming grew a little stale for me with not much coming out that interests me form big developers, the game I found my self playing were early access from small or indies devs, Rust and PUBG mostly. I bought an Oculus Rift, man I can't get it off my head! It's absolutely blown me away! Even genres that I wouldn't normally play have sucked me in, I'm honestly not sure if I can go back to monitor games..
I got the Oculus Rift whilst it was on sale, drunken purchase that I was going to send back..Like what.... and how did you pay for the set up? PC/console?
Most likely not
Good film and hopefully a good game, I remember seeing it a while back.
I haven't seen anything decent since i played Battlefield 4 and i've only bought two games since then and that was Far Cry Primal and Battlefront.
I tried Battlefield 1 but i didn't like the multiplayer concept, didn't feel like Battlefield to me and i'm not interested in Battlefront 2 as i've given up on EA.
I went back to playing BC2, Guild Wars 2 and The Division (giving it another attempt to see what's changed).
For your past Goon, i would say PUBG, but i don't look out for upcoming games anymore like i used to during 2009 - 2012.