The next Predator movie - Prey (2022 on Hulu)

Only to people who think critics are paid shills.

Ironically the same people tend to trust YouTubers, who really do make money from playing to their audience rather than giving an honest opinion.
Only to people who think critics are paid shills.

Ironically the same people tend to trust YouTubers, who really do make money from playing to their audience rather than giving an honest opinion.
My comment was mostly tongue in cheek, I do remember how strongly The Last Jedi was reviewing initially on RT though *shudder* :D
Well, Mr H rates it pretty highly and he'd have no problem with going off on one if it was woke garbage - or just garbage.
Whether you like him or not (or have never heard of him) the guy lives and breathes predator/alien stuff and does not do wokery.

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Somewhat surprisingly, this looks rather good from the trailer, given the absolute guff that the franchise has been since the original. I'd rather stick needles in my eyes than watch youtuber reviews, so will make my own mind up.

Will give it a watch at the weekend.
Well, Mr H rates it pretty highly and he'd have no problem with going off on one if it was woke garbage - or just garbage.
Whether you like him or not (or have never heard of him) the guy lives and breathes predator/alien stuff and does not do wokery.

This matches what the "fan reviews" who saw it at Comic Con have said too so I'm starting to think/hope that we might have a winner here!
Only to people who think critics are paid shills.

Ironically the same people tend to trust YouTubers, who really do make money from playing to their audience rather than giving an honest opinion.

They trust people whose views match their own, if the views of "paid shills" don't match their own but those of a random youtuber do then who cares? In the end everyone involved gets paid to provide their reviews so why do you continually crap on youtubers for being "dishonest" when they're just doing the same job as a "professional" who also gets paid?
Because Professionals don't get paid to pander to a specific audience.

I'm sure there are one or two good YouTubers out there (Red Letter Media for example) but many of them are just chasing the metrics for the best payday.
When it gets dark i will watch it :cool:

I thought it would be all Disney and silly with convenient writing, but so far it’s one of the better predator films, although nothing beats the first imo. I couldn’t wait :p

he said the line :D

The burnt forest scene is brilliant.

Well, I enjoyed that.

Gets a bit more silly perhaps towards the end, but the first 3/4 of the film is excellent.
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I liked it overall.

If you are easily triggered by strong wimmin wokery, it'll be your main bitching focus. Chances are that you already made your mind up before you watched it anyway. Some of it slightly irked me, but the film was overall decent enough to forgive most of it.
It's not quite Rey level Mary Sue stuff here. Much of what she does is earned and learned.

- Yeah, the animal CGI isn't amazing. Just deal with it :cry:
- Yeah, her being able to beat up blokes is questionable. I sighed, said ok and moved on. I guess you could argue that it's something they may not be expecting, so there's an element of overconfidence and surprise. However, where did she gain the fight experience in order to be that handy? I dunno, Whatever.
- Pred brutality and athleticism was good. It did cut away a bit too quickly for a lot of kills though.
- The predator itself... Obviously less intelligent and more savage than the ones we're used to, so I'll let how it was defeated go to a degree. Plus, it did get shot in the head and was missing an arm, so obviously not in the best shape.
- Wasn't a huge fan of the redesign, however, it's meant to be a different breed, so hey.
- Shoehorning Rafael's pistol into this wasn't necessary. I get that it's a slight setup for a possible sequel, but there's already a decent enough story for that in comic lore. One that involves it passing to the pred from the man himself.

As said, it did get slightly silly in the final act, but it was all good fun.

While I don't usually like to get caught up in the usual ranking of movies, I'll make an exception for this one, since a lot of discussion is about it being 'the best sequel'. For me, it sits 3rd behind Predator 2. I just have a lot more fun with that and have watched it more times than I'll ever watch this.
It's definitely a worthy addition to the franchise.
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That was not bad, not bad at all, a very respectable 6/10 with the lead female being written really well, making rational decisions, being shown to fail, overcome and triumph, using brains when brawn doesn't work etc, I'm very impressed with the most of the screenwriting. Yes there's always going to be a few "mary sue" moments (her "magical" returning axe etc) but virtually all the "strong independent woman" conflicts seem to arise naturally and get dealt with in a way that also feels organic and real, although having so many of the male "hunting party" being <25 kids with no elders (father figures) anywhere to be seen outside of the camp feels deliberate as a way to get a "young man whose macho gets hurt by woman" scene thrown in but, again, thats dealt with in a "realistic" way.

The story, split into three fairly distinct parts, never feels rushed or drawn out but the (trying not to spoil things) "Firearms" middle section felt a little thrown-in just to have the Predator go through a "John Wick-esqe" moment with all it's new weapons and plenty of un-important and disposable meat sacks to use them on.

The only genuinely "bad" bit for me is the practical effects/CGI of this "new but actually older than the OG one" Predator which looks absolutely terrible to me, the practical skin/costume of the Predator looks almost like comic-con cosplay levels with spray-painted foam body (very unrealistic looking compared to the skin in Pred 1-2) and the new CGI face is very tall and thin making the proportions look all wrong and it's a very definite misstep in an otherwise Good film.

There's some new lore thats been added and I like the idea of the older design wrist computer and helmet (very organic rather than obvious metal) but I wonder how the "artefact" at end of this film ends up in Predator 2, so I'm guessing there will be another film set around this the outcome of this one to explain that, maybe. If there is I'll definitely watch it.

Because Professionals don't get paid to pander to a specific audience.

Of course they do, they get paid to "pander" to the people who buy whatever magazine the review is in or who watch whatever TV show that the review is broadcast on. For example if the professional reviewer for the Guardian or MSNBC suddenly started rating "pro-Right Wing" or "anti-woke" media as "great viewing 9/10" they'd be sacked within moments, don't be so naive!

Hugely enjoyed it. Slows down a few time but midway through it picks up. Not sure about the predator design but I thought Amber Midthunder (what a great name) was fantastic, we was her loyal doggo.
It was decent, a lot better than the previous predator stuff that's been released, need to watch it again in the dark and got distracted half way through so missed a few moments but I don't mind watching it again
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