The next Predator movie - Prey (2022 on Hulu)

The first movie is ridiculous but we give it a pass because its Arnie.

We "give it a pass" because it's good, not just because its "Arnie". If this new movie is "good" people will like it too, but based most current Hollywood writing being crap (irrespective of what/who stars in it) I'm not holding out much hope for a "this is so bad it's good" film nevermind a "Good" film, which will be a massive shame if it tanks as the Franchise really needs a fresh injection something to get it going again, or just leaving alone to die peacefully of old age :D
Ha. Have you seen the first movie?

Do you think a special forces team would have lugged a mini-gun through a jungle? Do you think the leader would put some C4 type explosives on a vehicle the guerilla fighters are using for power, lifted it up in full view of the camp and let it roll in to the camp to kill a few people? Do you think they would have used grenade launchers to blow up buildings they hadn't scouted out when they were supposedly on a rescue mission? The first movie is ridiculous but we give it a pass because its Arnie.

The minigun AKA "old painless" was quality though. :cool:

Little video feature on it, m60 mount used for the one in the movie.
You can’t beat the original
We "give it a pass" because it's good, not just because its "Arnie". If this new movie is "good" people will like it too, but based most current Hollywood writing being crap (irrespective of what/who stars in it) I'm not holding out much hope for a "this is so bad it's good" film nevermind a "Good" film, which will be a massive shame if it tanks as the Franchise really needs a fresh injection something to get it going again, or just leaving alone to die peacefully of old age :D

It is good, but for that other poster to start complaining that the new movie doesn't look realistic/historically accurate is a bit much, given what came before.
I mean TBF it's not much of a protest by any means, just a few dozen comments against the various teaser/trailers but I wonder it might get more vocal toward the release date.
I guess with how Indian populations have been decimated and subdued, it's hard for them to push back with a loud voice, could be wrong, not sure how much sway native indians have in america. I kinda get where they're coming from but it's a fictional movie, not everything has to adhere 100% to real life, movies would quickly become very dull if this were the case.
I like Predator 2, I think it gets unfairly treated because, whilst it's Good, it's not as Good as the original. It also expanded on the Lore/Canon rather than rewriting it to match the story you want to tell.
Predator 2 was a good film, better than 90% of the action flicks that are churned out today, as Ianh says, it's suffered because it wasn't Predator.

Want some candy?
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The latest Teaser is out,not a huge amount more shown, but a potential new Predator wrist weapon (dart?) -

Out on the 5th Aug so the lack of PR hype is a bit surprising, maybe they're waiting until the week before but I haven't seen any Press Interviews with the cast as part of the media junket tour etc yet, which is odd.
Out on the 5th Aug so the lack of PR hype is a bit surprising, maybe they're waiting until the week before but I haven't seen any Press Interviews with the cast as part of the media junket tour etc yet, which is odd.
Considering it's straight to streaming, the hype train will be dulled and press won't be as forced, if it were a cinema release, they'd be doing all they could to get bums on seats.
It was just shown at San Diego Comic Con and the Social Media remarks/reviews from the actual fans who saw it are "out" and so far it's been given some really positive remarks - The news story and some of the reviews can be found below, I haven't read them juuuuust in case there's any spoilers so read at your own risk but, seen as these are Predator fans, it can be taken as "fans will like anything" or "fans liked it because it was good" and I'm 100% hoping for the latter rather than former.

Mate is popping over on Saturday night and we're going to watch this - Predator is his favourite movie of all time so will be near impossible to please. However despite the utter disappointment of The Predator and Predators, even he is mildly optimistic about this one :o
This is currently is 95% fresh on Rotten tomatoes after 80 reviews (at time of posting)

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