The nod

29 Jan 2007
Ritefast HQ
So after riding out for the first time yesterday on my bike (cbr600) i noticed that nearly all of the sports bike riders gave a nod when passing whereas all the rest dont is me is this some unwritten thing as when i was learning to ride on a cbf500 didnt get it once or was that just because i was a learner haha?
I get it off sports bike riders, but people on adventure type bikes (BMW GS, KTM etc.) very slim chance of a nod, and you've got better chance of drawing blood from a stone than you do from getting a nod from a Harley Davidson rider it would seem, lol.
It does depend what you're on. Now I'm riding the Pegaso I get a lot less of it from sportsbike riders, but more from adventure bike types and commuter bikes. When I had my Mille it was the other way around, and when I was on the Fazer 1000 I used to get them from most people.

Can't remember about the bike before, too long ago!

In winter you get nods from everyone just for being out on it.
I ride a Supermoto, I nod/hand signal any motorcyclist and 99.9% return the gesture.. Stereo-types are very hard to nail down, although BMW GS riders and poser Cruiser types do have a majority that won't acknowledge other bikers. I'll still signal them though, I won't play their game and let them spoil and devide 'our little club' with their snobbery.

So basicaly I feel that signals are really an indervidual thing not a bike style/size thing.

The greatest sin of all has to be riding past a fellow biker who's machine is decked even if you happen to be driving a car at the time..
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Don't generally get a nod from BMW riders (my mate is one and he never nods either!) but the other day this guy on an 1150GS gave me a full blown salute. Made me chuckle :)

I nod at everyone not in a car - even cyclists and horse riders lol
I try and nod at every motorcyclist. Why discriminate? It's better to have people feel that they are part of the club rather than on the outside looking in.

I found that when I had my L plates on, I got much fewer nods than I do now. There's definitely a section of the biking populace that don't acknowledge learners.
It does depend what you're on. Now I'm riding the Pegaso I get a lot less of it from sportsbike riders, but more from adventure bike types and commuter bikes. When I had my Mille it was the other way around, and when I was on the Fazer 1000 I used to get them from most people.

Can't remember about the bike before, too long ago!

In winter you get nods from everyone just for being out on it.

Thats how i thought it would be as not a single cruiser or naked bike etc gave a nod yet the sporties did! I guess it also depends on the area as on the outskirts of london theres quite a few bikers so i guess not everyone is going to nod to every bike!
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Same as previously posted. I nod at everyone except plums riding in t-shirts n shorts :)

Oh, I also nod to ambulances and the old bill. Reason being I might need them some day :)
I nod at everyone, bar chavs on scooters, idiots not wearing any kit and anyone on a lesson or anything, except for the instructors. I love it, love the biking community as a whole.
I nod at everyone other than chavs basically, most nod back generally, but it does depend on the weather, hotter weather = more bikes but very few more nods (Generally :p)
I nod to everyone who is on a proper bike, most people nod back.

packs of bikers get a friendly hand gesture otherwise I would be going past them looking like I was having a fit :D

mopeds get nothing as they annoy me.
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