After A bottle of rubbish red i have now noticed i am 50, ****.
Does that mean you're 50 today, or tht you've been 50 for some time and have only noticed it?????
After A bottle of rubbish red i have now noticed i am 50, ****.
Congratulations! Wow, how does it feel?!
EDIT - well, seeing as you're 50, and this may not be up your street at all, but I dedicate the song I'm listening to at the moment to you!
Enjoy [or not] - it starts at 1:20:
I must be old, that was wierd.
To be honest it was carp.
Haha but you listened - maybe to only 30 seconds - but great!
Enjoy the level up!
Baileys coffee....mmmm!
Delicious, gotta say!/jealous!