The **Now Drinking** Thread

Port is alright, but it's no sherry. Which is what I'm on!

The only really good pint of stella I've ever had is in the Globe Pub in Aberdeen. Pieplough - is it still there?
Peroni Grand Reserve. A hell of a lot better than the knat's **** that is standard Peroni.

Port is alright, but it's no sherry. Which is what I'm on!

The only really good pint of stella I've ever had is in the Globe Pub in Aberdeen. Pieplough - is it still there?

Ive never been in! Ive only lived up here for 2 and a half years so quite a few pubs ive yet to visit :)

I have to agree, would much rather have Stella but tiz all I can find! Its so rich making me feel sick :eek:

Beggers cant be choosers eh! :p

Ive got a bottle of vodka under my sink thats been there since i moved into this flat :p
Quick send it to me pieplough! And this Port is'nt too bad once you get into it, its surprisingly strong! (Still tastes like your constantly doing shots though lol)
Ive never been in! Ive only lived up here for 2 and a half years so quite a few pubs ive yet to visit :)

Ah right, I grew up just outside Aberdeen so know quite a few (out of testing what ones I could and could not get served in when I was underage ;))
Well worth checking out though, really nice relaxed feel. Good food too, well it was 5 years ago! :o
That and the Illicit Still were my favourite probably.
Ah right, I grew up just outside Aberdeen so know quite a few (out of testing what ones I could and could not get served in when I was underage ;))
Well worth checking out though, really nice relaxed feel. Good food too, well it was 5 years ago! :o
That and the Illicit Still were my favourite probably.

Where abouts was/is the globe?
Oh god I know the globe haven't been in there in a few years though! I'm sure it's still there though.

*edit* yeah i'll post a pic of the next pint I pour.


And my secret stash in case of nuclear war...
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Nice head, assume that dissipates pretty quickly?

Whilst it isn't a competition, let me show you some of my pictures.

5 Gallon drums, each containing 40 pints.
Applewine (cider) 8%, Bitter 5.6%, Pilsner forgot the proof.

Bottling the cider (it's a professional operation, in my bath tub!)

A 13% mixed fruit 'thing' I tried to create. Haven't actually tasted it yet...

Edit - Currently drinking this, it's my 8+% cider. Picture is pretty pap, because it's on my SONY ERICSSON K750I and no head, because it's cider and cider doesn't have a head! Gives you a good idea on how much each bottle gets though. Also, I bottle in empty glass Irn Bru bottles. These can be returned to shops for 30p each. Therefore, if I keep my production to less than 30p a bottle (it's currently at 38p) then I'm making free booze! I have about 200 of these bottles in my flat, some full and some empty. I'm looking forward to taking them all back to one shop!
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Nice man, the head is still there just now. Pretty impressed with it, the recipe is way to Amarillo. Next time i'm down Glasgow I'll be calling you up to sample some of that!
I've got a few other bottles of random fruit juice mixes hidden away in another cupboard, they taste hot just now, but party next weekend for the football so It's going to get drunk!
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