The **Now Eating** Thread

Picked these up earlier, very nice.

Trying to be slightly healthier. Now i'm no vegan / anti meat fan at all but I just tried Simon Howie meat free square sausage and as someone whos eaten a lot of square sausage this was actually decent. it tasted like square sausage and cooked like it with the smells as well. i don't think i have ever been so pleasantly surprised in my life hah. I even made a fried egg thinking it was going to be needed as this would be bin material :p

Busy day cutting in security locks to the shed door, so quick and easy meal was in order.
Even so, the egg was protected by a wall of chunky chips and carefully raised onto chilli chicken strips.
that is a snack not a meal .. did a 4kg lamb leg for tea with broccoli and salad .. for 2 .. thats a meal .. and i'm on a diet ... meat =strength and power ...
Cant tell if you are joking or not
no not joking .. 3.5kg without the bone .. will do tonight and tom .. with whats left going to the dogs .. we only eat meat and salad with a little veg .. and only eat once maybe twice a day (days off we will have 2 meals ) .. all tho she has fruit and fiber in the morn and i'll have 2 slices of bacon but thats not a meal
no not joking .. 3.5kg without the bone .. will do tonight and tom .. with whats left going to the dogs .. we only eat meat and salad with a little veg .. and only eat once maybe twice a day (days off we will have 2 meals ) .. all tho she has fruit and fiber in the morn and i'll have 2 slices of bacon but thats not a meal
Think the shoulder we last had was 2kg, not much left from it after one meal. Ahh got the impression that was for one night :p
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