The **Now Eating** Thread

Keep playing! What else can you win?!

I’m stood over it like you would a Bandit in Betfred… :cry:

Followed by a discrete fist pump when it triple drops followed by a refund :p

Edit: Just an update, we now have Free M&Ms but I’m running out of room in her bag to get them out of here :eek:

Edit: I’ve shared my good fortune and it’s now a free for all :cry::cry::cry::cry:
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and i thought I was doing well....
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I couldn’t like it until it was edited :p

Some things just cannot be un-seen :eek::D

Where I’m from that level of reduction is offensive, the yellow sticker person would have got some stick!
Sorry about that, quick draw... :D
Says the Knock off Nigel of sheffield ahem.... I don't think your in any position to talk about my savings :cry:
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My luck strikes again! £1 for 1 and 3 dropped and it refunded me £1 automatically.

And no, I don’t have a conscience :D

I know it is short notice, but grab a bag and the taxi will pick you up in 20 minutes.
I'll be in Vegas and will greet you on landing, we have separate rooms and I've ordered Pathia for your three week visit to the casino's :cry:
Or just do as you would when a kid and set fire to the kitchen :cry:

I was more of the “We have cleaned the entire house for you Mum and Dad”

They were really pleased until they realised we had Polished every hard surfaced flooring to within an inch of its life.

After they hit their heads, they couldn’t remember a thing after regaining consciousness :p

I know it is short notice, but grab a bag and the taxi will pick you up in 20 minutes.
I'll be in Vegas and will greet you on landing, we have separate rooms and I've ordered Pathia for your three week visit to the casino's :cry:

Landing? Is that the correct term if we are travelling by Boat :confused::cry:

I’m down! What could go wrong..

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