I came across some Bacon Ribs in the cheap section tonight, I've never heard of bacon ribs before???
Anyway on the packet it suggests roasting which sounded a bit of a faff and I reckoned a scrawny rib wouldn't benefit from the experience.
So online I found a bunch of Liverpuddlians suggesting the correct way was to boil these things. Apparently this is a local dish.
So I chucked them into a casserole dish with some butter, added onions and let it sit for a bit.
In the fridge was a bag of carrots, baby potatoes, cabbage. Chucked all that in, added some green lentils and some scotch broth mix, bayleaf and random herbs.
Simmered for 2 hours.
I've now got a massive cassorle which looks good for at least 5 meals and I reckon it's cost me around £1.60 to make. Even by my standards that's a bit of a bargain. Tastes really nice too, so I'll be on the lookout for bacon ribs in the future.