The Oblivion 360 Thread

lol dude i dont think so, a 360 is a standard theres no way it can look better on one than another. imo there is sommit funky about those shots, maybe they are post processed and put through TV_out, maybe on a REALLY uber PC set to ultra max. Almost everyone ive heard of play the 360 version has said "it looks nice but why doesnt it look like THAT?!" I assure you theres nothing wrong with your 360 as its impossible for that version to look different on 2 different machines except for the diff between 1080i 720i and SD. So if your on a 1080i TV and it doesnt look like that then his shots are lies.
Jabbs said:
I was wondering if maybe there was something faulty on the gfx side of this one thats all :)

yeah i understand. Its just with consoles it either works or it doesnt. There is no in between like with PC's because the game cant 'scale' so therefore if a peice of hardware was faulty or didnt work it'd show as an error or failure it wouldnt/couldnt downgrade or scale the graphics to compensate.

As said the only major hardware difference could be from a max 1080i telly.
~J~ said:

Gotta agree, that looks 6loody awful!!


I'm wondering if that's a caching issue y'know. I mean look at the grey 'smear' in the water. It's as if the texture hasn't loaded fully yet.

this doesnt tho
depends on time, lets face it, in 2 years we can all play it on what will then be a PC twice as powerful as anything we have now, and we will install the mods that give infinite draw/tree/object distance. and the game will be perfect.

You should have seen some of the lighting and texture mods for morrowind..!! much OMGODERRY
Chads said:
I think you've just summed up the ES series in one post right there.

Yep its also why the majority of people stop playing, they cant hack the open ended nature. Preferring the faux freedom offered by games like gta. No imagination see?

ES games are meant to be a personal experience, one that you can then relay as a story to others. Even those that have played the game end to end. After months of play I can tell a fantastical tale about how i set out to find a telvanni mage, hunted vampires in the bowels of the earth and combatted a plethora of magical and deadly creatures. Whilst others will have completed the same tasks, they will have a totally different story to tell.

IMO thats the beauty of the series, and i wouldnt change it for the world!

[edit] @ Icebus - Dont worry too much, within about a month you'll pretty much gonna be able to talk about what you want, it'll take around that long for all players to become familiar with things, then there will be less anti-spoiler feelings. Remember some of us have been eagerly awaiting this release for 4years or so!
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Well i have it, have played for about 5 hours, think its completeley pathetic.......that is to say i think that the wild unhanded rumours about 'unplayable' framerates and 'unbelievable' popup are utterly ridiculous. I would be the first to be dissapointed by faults, and yes there are a few, but this game is utter brilliance! Its uabashed openess and beauty never fails to astound and astonish me. I am a Morrowind veteran, no stranger to Tamriel, even i never believed it could be this good.

As i head off into the world, mind troubled with conspiracy, rusted bow at my hand I feel small. But a prisoner sprung in unlikely fortune, roaming upon a world I thought never again to see, how was i, a meagre halfblood, a convicted killer, to tend the commands of an Emperor? The needs of an empire?
A wolf springs from the bushes. A rusty instict laying dormant within me commands the old and salvaged bow with masterful precision, as the creature leaps its fangs beared with ravenous intent, it is flung back against the tree where it lies blodied and pinned a single crusted shaft protruding from its still heaving chest.
I stare for a second, confused expressions flash across my weathered brow, rejuvinating it. Yes. YES. I am Ilianos master bowman, half elf half man! Rejected by my altmer kin and imprisoned by bearers of my Imperial blood! But by god ill make this story mine! I WILL restore my honour I WILL SAVE TAMRIEL!

This is my story, what will be yours?

Yes that is the sort of tale that i encourage you play out. The game will build the framework for you, you let your imagination do the rest.... However it is still a game, so what about the specifics?

The graphics, simply, are astounding, no they are not magically 10 years ahead of modern technology why would they be? but they are a huge leap for video-games as a whole, ever moreso the oft neglected RPG. Both the exteriors and interiors are way beyond anything ive ever seen, my last gaming PC had SLi 7800GTX's so i know good graphics.

The Gameplay is pure Elder Scrolls, so vast in its possibilities that it leaves even me, a long time veteran, a little bewildered. Yet it is so slick and thoughtful in its execution that it cannot fail to captivate even the most jaded player if he will only let it.

The size of this game is beyond anything i could have imagined or hoped for. Originally it was going to be "smaller than morrowind, but more interesting" then the devs switched around and said "no its now half as big again". So I assumed, in my own anti-overhype way; "smaller then" But by the gods no! In morrowind your average cave/necromancer shrine/daedric ruin usually took in the region of 5-20 minuites to complete, dewmer strongholds maybe an hour. My very first ruin in this game took me nearly 2 hours to explore fully! The average mine or hideout takes over 30minuites on average. Then you look at the map and realise that in a whole day youve only travelled about 3 inches on the map! The scale is truly astonishing. A pilgrimage, at least without a horse, really would be just that, a labour of love. And as i cast my gaze from the tallest peak in all cyrodill, i watch the world roll into darkness and the stars emerge and the beauty of the land like the night envelopes me.

The combat feels very solid, far, far better than any other RPG real-time combat i can recall. I am already a master of the bow, supplementing this with blade and magic skills, my aresenal feels truly rounded, if not specialised. I get the impression that you truly could succeed with just about any carachter you choose to, crafting out your own, very personal, story in the soft clay of Cyrodill. Character creation is probably the best I have seen, every detail is alterable, its quite possible that not only will you never make the same carachter twice, but neither you nor your friends will ever see any character in maybe 5000hours that look anything alike (unless intended). Quite astonishing.

The controls and menu's are very intuitive, some people unfamilliar with the TES series have called it a complex and confusing interface, i disagree, TES itself is complex and confusing, it takes about 10-20 hours to come to terms with much of the universe. Once you do however you will be operating like a pro, bar some button confusion on my part, i have found the menu's very easy to use, and im sure about 10 or so hours down the line ill be a complete menu NINJA, or elf perhaps, still its a 200hour or more game so ive plenty of time to practise!

This game is the art and essence of role-playing embodied, be a stealth assasin, master theif, Warrior hero, Gladiatorial Champion, Elven archer, noble swordsman.It's every fantasy you've ever imagined yourself play out, right there. Lord of the rings comparisons are unavoidable, and why not apt to compare a masterful videogame creation with a masterful literary work? Who of us truly, somewhere below all our macho self-image and real life fear, who i ask wouldnt have wanted to be Arragorn or Legolas? To ride out against improbable odds, to claim victory for honour, to have glory? I doubt one of you hasnt considered it, well this game offers that, in itself fantastic but when put alongside the chance to be the opposite of everything noble as well as everything in between you simply cannot ask more from a role-playing game. The perfect role, your perfect role
Datamonkey said:

What an excellent post dude,

i really canna wait to get started on this game
thanks man, i put it in its own thread too....cos im an attention whore :D....but ALSO because not everyone without the game will read to page 4 (or 20 depending on settings :o) of this one :)
you know i dont think ive done anything mean or criminal yet. I used to love a good scrap with the gaurds in MW but they look a lot nails-er now, im too scared! plus i think they'll throw me out the fighters guild and i only just got in!
IceBus said:
Ultra... are you really getting single shot bow kills? I'm a level 3 wood elf and it takes about 4-5 arrows from a steel bow/steel arrow for me :(

yes m8, my elf-man has some pretty cool abilities, namely that his agility has gone sky high and is about 65 (agility governs arrow damage) couple that with a sneak sniper style kill (x3 damage while sneaking) and you have 1 shot kill. Shot is NOT area sensitive, i put 5 through one giys head, looked a bit ridiculous lol but i just blame magic ;)
juno_first said:
Got Oblivion on my PC as it was cheaper but the graphics are really bad, even with a kick as. system. I know my lowly 7800's can’t do HDR & AA at the same time but we're talking 50fps here for no grass dodgy looking hills.
I can only presume the 360 version is the same & judging by the screenshots it is.
I got a cable for my 19" lcd today & Advanced Warfighter did not look to be running AA or maybe 2x and was stuttering badly at 1280, the split screen is really cut down too, graphics wise.
With 3 CPU's then the performance hit must be down to the onboard r580 ?, will the PS3 be a lot better so are the Japanese right to wait ?.
Perhaps this post is a jab at the 360 but so far I’m not impressed with it, unless you want to play great games without spending thousands on a PC then the 360 is good I recon.
PC screenshot below, I know its hard to take a 360 screenshot at 1280, as I hope the 360 version isn’t as bad as the PC.

lol no helpin some folks. try specsavers.
This game is still rocking. Anyone who doesnt like it is missing out, but then each to his own as they say, maybe it still is something of a marmite game. Then again some people really only like some games, i mean FIFA RTWC one of the worst games on 360, still commands upward of £30 on the bay because some people just LOVE fifa, yet myself and most others find it utterly terrible when opposed to the best of PES or just about any other game.
wnb said:
I've been having a few disk read errors whilst playing oblivion. I had 4 in the space of two hours. The xbox tells me to clean the disk and restart, the disk looks spotless and its been the only disk in the xbox since i bought the game.
had a few too, and a good few sound-loading related crashes. Bugs i geuss.
Buzza said:
Still got the crashing though ;)

Downloading extras like the horse armour is great, i think they charged to much for it though, given how little it actually is(2 suits of horse armour).
no soddin point to it tho. my horses dont live long enough to be fun. really annoyed at them TBH pointless impliment. 5K for horse, 500 for armour and it wont even survive a trip between cities unless i stay on it. ridiculous!
lol jus invented a new game, naked gate running!! got all pee'd off cos for no reason i got thrown outta ll the guilds at once! so i chucked all me armour and went charging through an oblivion gate. Ran directly to the tower across th lava, ran straight up it and grabbed the sigil stone. Did the same with two others just now!! record is 42.3 secs. beat that!
~J~ said:
I can't beat that, but it's the same method I used to get the Sigil stones. Once I was in the main tower, it was a simple case of running like **** to the Silgis whatyamacallit, grabbing the stone and running round the room until it was over!

Cowardly? Maybe, but I saved the world !

lol, well id have no problem winning, i let daedra beat me up just to get my light armour and block skills up, im rather tough, but running up there naked is just fun! miss out on some armour etc but i have like 300k anyway and my armour is 100% enchanted glass anyway lol, what more do i need!?
The orrery is being added in a new content pack, causing much anger over on the official forums, 1.50 for a mission involving rebuilding it. @ J i think the mission count is circa 200 if devs are to be believed.

For example, out east of Bruma is a shrine thing with some wiezened hags around it, they will only let you join their group if you 'hated' by people, im geussing thats if your infamy beats your fame.

Also what is the 'order of the virtuous blood' Cos im apparently a low level member of that which is classed as a 'faction' like the guilds and the arena. I think they were the vamp hunters.
Boogle said:
This post is a follow-up to my thought that Oblivion as not being a true RPG from the Xbox 360 league thread:

It has RPG elements like Deus Ex. Like Deus Ex, the game relies more on you than your character's skill (which in a genuine RPG is what matters more than all else). The world is also always at your level (or thereabouts), similiar to a normal game where you have slightly weaker or slightly stronger enemies. RPGs you'll have areas where you'll get mullered, and areas where you'll obliterate the enemy. The loot you get in Oblivion is very, very rarely exceptional regardless of how difficult it was to get it. Whereas in a real RPG there will be dangerous dungeons filled with strong characters guarding a single chest (or boss) with a super powerful sword.

In Oblivion you can wear any armour at any time, in a real RPG you can't wear armour unless you have sufficient skill. Of course Oblivion has a tendency to not even give u access to higher level stuff until you too are high level (which could be considered the same thing).

In short Oblivion imho is an Adventure game, not an RPG. You explore places, you are a hero, but the world never *really* changes and neither do you. You level up, you take on stuff with the same difficulty (more or less). Of course you can also nerf your character - but lets not go there.

I pretty much agree, although the mistake of levelling enemies shouldnt be enough to change the games genre. By messing up with that system they allowed for the crap treasure / hard quest imbalance, because your average wild thug had a half-ebony kit on, so the value of treasure in deep dungeons was devalued.
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