***** The OcUK Men of Honour Awards 2002 *****

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Nice one people,

Another big thanks to the Dons, UB's and not forgetting the one and only..


*clap clap clap*

Well done once again, have a great new year!

Congratulations everyone. A very deserved award hindeed.

Wear your medals with pride gentlemen, and show them off to all and sundry.

There's no need to thank anyone in admin inparticular. Sure we all have a job to do, but its EVERYBODY that makes this place the most spiffingest and spankingest place there is.

Without the members, where would the Manijjmint team be?

Its the members that count, they make it tick along, and thats what these awards represent.

Good work fellas, keep it up.

And a Happy New Year to you all!!!
I as actually very surprised to be seeing my name their. I thought I was more known for my constant argueing and whining in SC than anything else. I am honoured to say the least though.

I wanna thanks God
and my parents
and of course all of you as none this this would have been possible without you
I wanna thank my friends for supporting me when my times got rough

*cough* sorry thats my Grammy speech :D
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