MacRS4>Maybe you can help me. I have just received my macbook pro and I am using it with a LG 4k. It's model number is LG27UK850.
I have connected the Macbook using USB-C. I then close my macbook and when it goes to sleep sometimes it comes out of sleep but a majority of time it doesn't. ANy help would be greatly appreciated.
How is the Mac powered?I was wondering if anyone is having this issue using their M1 Macbook pro in clamshell mode where it won't wake from sleep while connected to a monitor. It is driving me insane.
Is the monitor charging the Mac with the USB-C cable? I'm thinking that it might be that the monitor power settings stop power output when it goes to sleep or after a certain amount of time.Via USB-C. Yesterday I tried both the USB-c and HDMI connections to no avail. 1-2 times out of 10 it will wake the monitor but usually I just get a no signal screen or just a blank screen. It could be argued that may be an issue with M1 based chips. But I use to own a M1 Mac Mini and never experienced this.