That's generally the way at this time of year but as the days get longer, they'll stay open longer. 10m has been doing well though, it's been open a lot later recently.I think it has just been other priorities getting in the way unfortunately and yes I really enjoy working into Central America/Caribbean on a late evening but 20-10 has been closing at 8-9pm.
Good choice, a friend of mine loves 10m and normally slaps up a large monobander just for the couple of years at solar peak. I think he had a four or five element up last time!Since my last post I've had a bit of time and decided to focus on 10m only so I put a 3 element monoband yagi on the mast and been having an absolute blast!.
Aye, looks as though the emails are going out bit by bit. Another friend has had one, I've not had anything yet.My brother is a 2E0 and also still has is M6 licence, he has an email from OfCom in relation to changes relating to his FL. I'm assuming they are sending notifications out in batches.
I surrendered by FL/IM as soon as I got my Full ticket but it appears there's a bit of confusion about when/how historic licences will be revoked.
I used to have an 847, I know technically it can be used as a portable wireless but it's not the sort of thing I'd like to carry too far. I was really upset when a near lightning strike destroyed it but cheered up when I got a decent amount on the insurance. I claimed for an Icom 9100 as it was the only real alternative and instead bought a 590.I bought a second hand FT847 over the winter specifically for /p.
Nicely done, I had them all already but picked up some new slots.Chad and Easter Islands both in the log on 10m for all time new onesI missed Liberia but they just didn't seem that active, or was this me???
I don't know where you are but we don't have any issue with pirates on VHF/UHF here at all and never really have done. Back in the day, NL and SL weren't nice places to be sometimes but even then, it wasn't too bad generally. DMR is different, apart from having the knowledge to set up those stupid code plugs, don't you have to register to use it?The problem with cheap radios are the Baofeng pirates, you can now get DMR Boafengs for around 50 pounds which means more DMR pirates. 2/70 has been destroyed that Hams don't really go on those bands anymore so now the pirates have nobody to wind up so they'll go on to DMR providing they have the intelligence to program a DMR channel.
I don't actually mind pirates but its what they do when they start targeting hams, using there call signs, making recordings them re-transmitting them, keying people out among other things and getting people into trouble. I think the days of VHF/UHF might be doomed but then again 6 meters and 4 meters FM is pretty dead.
It is. The Foundation licence is a good introduction, take a look at the Essex Ham training site. Unfortunately, there's not much incentive to go above Foundation apart from being able to run more power but if you want to learn, there is so much out there. I've been playing wireless for over 40 years and I'm still learning.I don't have any plans to be a pirate or any form of troll. it genuinely seems like a good skill/hobby to get involved with.
They'll get you on your local repeater, that's all they're good for really. You can't do much else with a Baofeng.Are they decent to get into the hobby though?
Ten slots so far, all FT8 or CW. I’ve not heard them on SSB yet, they’re concentrating on CW and FT8 to get as many in the log as possible.CY9C is doing a grand job from St Paul Island. It's not been activated for five years or so and although I worked them back in 2012, I've been picking up a few new slots. They're very strong and pretty easy to work.