*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

Multiplayer games that split player bases with "premium" content are barbaric.

BF4 was the last time I will be stung by that BS.
Battlefield WAS my favourite gaming series, I played thousands of hours of every Battlefield game upto Hardline, I only sank maybe 20 hours into it, a bought BF1 on release thinking it had to be better than Hardline, I was wrong, BF1 was appalling in every way.
The series is dead to me.

The only way I would play a Battlefield game again, is if an older Battlefield title was remade in VR, and I can’t see that happening any time soon sadly
Yes please. Prefer modern / future environments! BF1 bored the pants off of me. However, agree with Fubsy about splitting the content across pay bands BUT I've yet to come across anything that does big maps / campaigns multi-player better than the Battlefield series.
Battlefield WAS my favourite gaming series, I played thousands of hours of every Battlefield game upto Hardline, I only sank maybe 20 hours into it, a bought BF1 on release thinking it had to be better than Hardline, I was wrong, BF1 was appalling in every way.
The series is dead to me.

The only way I would play a Battlefield game again, is if an older Battlefield title was remade in VR, and I can’t see that happening any time soon sadly

Exactly the same experience here. Thought it was me, but sad to see I'm not alone. Such a great series lost.
The picture in the OP is apparently a known fake. We should start getting some more information very soon. WWII is looking very likely (but not guaranteed) at the moment given the Thompson SMG turning up in the CTE game files (the lewis gun was added to BFHL in it's last patch before BF1 arrived).

Edit: The Thompson is now available in CTE.

I really like battlefield 1. Got the season pass super cheap too. I've spent more time playing it now than BF4 already, though still not as much time as BF3.
Well I never. Were all navy frogmen in WWII issued with modern, state-of-the-art NVGs and modern ballistic helmets?

That's what I thought after seeing the picture and the phrase on it, It's also odd they'd do it so soon after COD's WW2. I got the World War 2 info from the Kinguin link I put on the second post so they could be wrong,

I'll correct and update the info as we learn more.
From a business pov, WW2 is highly likely. Similar assets, some re-used/re-skinned. It progresses nicely from BF1 (WW1), could even be called BF2 (WW2).

When the art team visited the WW1 sites they could've done the WW2 sites at the same time which saves money and time. I think there'll be a modern battlefield after this next game just in time for the real WW3...
Multiplayer games that split player bases with "premium" content are barbaric.

To be fair, even in the original BF1942 this happened with the Road to Rome and Secret weapons expansions

Although back then games were cheap and we had modding support too so it wasn't all that bad

These days we're paying more for less game or at least it feels like it
bf4 was amazing until they messed with everything.shame as was one of my fav games.played it every day for nearly a 1000 hrs. bf1 was okay but quickly boring with unbalanced vehicle mechanics which they always seem to get wrong.bfbc2 was the last game that got this balance right.

not really bothered which period the games set it tbh.dont think i will be touching the next one.
Serious question - what's a season pass? I've just looked at https://www.battlefield.com/en-gb/games/battlefield-1/premium and can't tell if that Premium Pass is the game itself? Or DLC?
I didn't buy BF1, I found BF4 to be devoid of atmosphere compared to BF3 (which I'm playing right now, VK deathmatch Canals on repeat :)) and didn't buy BF1. So I've dealt with straight-up DLC but am a bit lost in just how many ways one has to pay for a AAA title these days!
Serious question - what's a season pass? I've just looked at https://www.battlefield.com/en-gb/games/battlefield-1/premium and can't tell if that Premium Pass is the game itself? Or DLC?
I didn't buy BF1, I found BF4 to be devoid of atmosphere compared to BF3 (which I'm playing right now, VK deathmatch Canals on repeat :)) and didn't buy BF1. So I've dealt with straight-up DLC but am a bit lost in just how many ways one has to pay for a AAA title these days!

premium is the season pass, Initially there was the base game, deluxe (base + a few skins and guns) and ultimate (base+deluxe+premium). There is now the revolutions edition which is the same as the ultimate edition but obviously events that happened in the past (2xp, early access) are not in the revolutions because they've already happened.
I still hope they'll make another BF Vietnam again. Looks like I'll be disappointed again this time but hopefully they'll do another one in that setting at some point.
I have been waiting for a bf2142 replacement. That was a very well balanced game with a lot of teamwork in squads.
Still my favourite. Nothing beats the rush of driving an APC under the Titan, podding up to it and then storming the Titan, blowing the control panels then the core while fighting off the Defenders then booking it off the Titan before it exploded.
Just so people aren't fooled by the image in the OP, it was created prior to the announcement of bf1 and was used at the time to suggest that bf2016 was going to be futuristic. It doesn't mean that 2018 definitely won't be but that image is from early 2016.
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