Battlefield WAS my favourite gaming series, I played thousands of hours of every Battlefield game upto Hardline, I only sank maybe 20 hours into it, a bought BF1 on release thinking it had to be better than Hardline, I was wrong, BF1 was appalling in every way.
The series is dead to me.
The only way I would play a Battlefield game again, is if an older Battlefield title was remade in VR, and I can’t see that happening any time soon sadly
Well I never. Were all navy frogmen in WWII issued with modern, state-of-the-art NVGs and modern ballistic helmets?
Multiplayer games that split player bases with "premium" content are barbaric.
Serious question - what's a season pass? I've just looked at and can't tell if that Premium Pass is the game itself? Or DLC?
I didn't buy BF1, I found BF4 to be devoid of atmosphere compared to BF3 (which I'm playing right now, VK deathmatch Canals on repeat) and didn't buy BF1. So I've dealt with straight-up DLC but am a bit lost in just how many ways one has to pay for a AAA title these days!
Still my favourite. Nothing beats the rush of driving an APC under the Titan, podding up to it and then storming the Titan, blowing the control panels then the core while fighting off the Defenders then booking it off the Titan before it exploded.I have been waiting for a bf2142 replacement. That was a very well balanced game with a lot of teamwork in squads.
Battle Royale mode?
I really hope not. If EA want DICE to make a BR game fine, but leave BF alone in that respect and make it a different game.
Still my favourite. Nothing beats the rush of driving an APC under the Titan, podding up to it and then storming the Titan, blowing the control panels then the core while fighting off the Defenders then booking it off the Titan before it exploded.