*** The official beard thread ***

Since I've got very little hair on top of my head, I tend to rock a permanent beard so I don't look like a chemo patient. I use a Remington barba and tend to use grade 3/4. I haven't been clean shaven for about 5 years and can't see me ever being again.

I go for the same with the beard although luckily I do still have some hair up top or else I'd look like a bearded baby :D
Jaw line means you are trimming a 'strap'. I did this for years but never thought about it. Only recently I found out how to properly trim a neck beard here:


This is how I have always trimmed my beard. Doesn't stop beardless girl men calling it a neck beard though. Trying to explain the difference between neck, jaw and chin are futile.
Used to have this. :p


As a beard enthusiast, I feel that I should contribute to this thread.

I have been encouraging my beard for nearly two years now and feel that it has recently got to a point where I am happy with its thickness and length.

here is a recentish picture of myself [blue shirt] and my housemate Simon, enjoying our beards.

"you can have any beer you want as long as its a corona"

As you can see, Simon's beard is quite majestic. It may come as no surprise to hear that he works for Harley Davidson :D
I like beards, but I don't have one. Maybe I should grow one.

Also, this is a good tip how men should shave a beard manly:

Ho ho! I'm in the process of growing a beard, only about 7 weeks into growing. Unsure of what style I'm going for so it's just getting bushy at the moment. But I've got a skinhead, so an upside down head. The main thing I love about it is it hides my 2nd chin. Because without a beard I look like I'm smuggling a sausage under my chin. I'll get a pic up after work.

Could we possibly take the word 'manly' out of the shaving thread title.
I decided ot give it a go and got as far as here:

Back to just a few mm's as mine goes very slow. The above was 6 months of growth
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