After seemingly bricking my Nexus 5 during an update, I am now on the lookout for a good value replacement. Over the next 9 months I'm due to spend a few months away from home in a place I'm likely to damage it, so the timing is right for me to go for something a little more "disposable".
There appears to be an absolutely crazy amount of choice when it comes to these lesser known brands, it's quite dizzying coming from only really knowing the usual Samsung/Apple/Sony/HTC/Motorola/LG lot. At the moment, the Cubot Note S looks like a decent contender, and as it's dirt cheap I could just use it as a standby phone if it turns out not to be up to scratch. From what I can see, the next step up from the Cubot Note S is the Cubot x15/17, or something from Xiaomi @ £100+. Is there anything sort of inbetween, popular enough to have a decent amount of reviews?
Help me OcUK, you're my only hope!