I've not played for a while, is there anything "new" to come back for yet?
Shall I guess how long 'a while' is?
Nope, the game is dead in the water and blizzard have made it apparent they're pretty much done with it for now with how the last few seasons have gone.
I'm having fun with a Witch Dr at the moment this season, first one and quite fun so far with a minion build but only at about lvl 37 so far as I've just been solo bountying for now.
Nope, the game is dead in the water and blizzard have made it apparent they're pretty much done with it for now with how the last few seasons have gone.
Are the cosmic ones the purply, starry, nebulous things? I got some of those and no idea where from.Well finally got my mastery wings, not a sniff of the cosmic ones though :/
i can imagine
I now want to find other stuff like that. I assume pets drop from the menagerie goblin?
Never understood how you can farm something, like the Cosmic Wings, that depends on two very low probability RNG chances - a rainbow goblin appearing and then the Princess Unicorn appearing. Must be ******* tedious as hell.
I see that, for the 2nd time, the number of dislikes of the trailer has dropped by 100k overnight. Strange how over 200,000 dislikes have now been somehow removed.