*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

17 Dec 2006
Patch 2.7.0 (Season 23)

2nd April 2021 - Mid to Late July 2021
Opening Time: 4 PM UK / 5 PM CEST

Click here for timezone comparisons

You can find builds for this season here
The last major patch notes and season information is here

There isn't a specific theme for this season, however, there is a pretty sizable follower revamp instead.

Follower System Revamp: The Follower system for Diablo III has been revamped and will be made permanently available for Seasonal and Non-Seasonal play! Players can now equip Followers with a total of 14 different item slots which include the Follower Relic Item, Helm, Shoulders, Chest, Gloves, Bracers, Belt, 2 Rings, Neck, Pants, Boots, main-hand weapon, and off-hand. We're introducing a new Follower feature into Diablo III called Emanate, which allows the player to gain the intended effect of certain Legendary Powers and Set Bonuses when equipped on the hired Follower. The current list of items with Emanate capabilities are the following:

Broken Crown
Homing Pads
Spaulders of Zakara
Custerian Wristguards
Nemesis Bracers
Gladiator Gauntlets
Gloves of Worship
Dovu Energy Trap
Rakoff's Glass of Life
Avarice Band
Krede's Flame
The Flavor of Time
Sage's Journey (3-piece set bonus)
Cain's Destiny (3-piece set bonus)
Follower Skills Revamp: Follower skills have been reworked to showcase new and updated skills. Check out the full update on the Follower skills below:


Crippling Shot
Ranged attack that deals 140% weapon damage and slows enemies hit by 80% for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Scoundrel's Dexterity.
Powered Shot
Ranged attack that explodes on impact, dealing 120% weapon damage as Arcane to enemies within 10 yards and has a 100% chance to Stun enemies for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Scoundrel's Dexterity.
Whenever you or the Scoundrel land a Critical Hit, you both will go into hysterics, increasing all damage done by 3% for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Scoundrel's Dexterity.
Increases Critical Hit Chance by 1.8% to 4% for you and the Scoundrel based on the Scoundrel's Dexterity.
Multishot Passive
Passive: The Scoundrel's special attacks have a 50% to 70% chance to fire 3 bolts based on the Scoundrel's Dexterity.
*Skill Rework - Vanish
When you take fatal damage, the Scoundrel conceals you from enemies for 3 to 7 seconds based on the Scoundrel's Dexterity, allowing you to escape your death.
*New Skill - Night's Veil
The Scoundrel launches a cloud that covers a 20-yard area and lasts 5 to10 2 to 4 seconds based on the Scoundrel’s Dexterity. All attacks against enemies that are inside the cloud will be critical hits.
*New Skill - Piercing Shot
Ranged attack that pierces and increases damage done to enemies by 10% for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Scoundrel's Dexterity.
*Removed Skills - Dirty Fighting and Poison Bolts

Heal and Loyalty
These skills now scale based on the Templar’s Strength.
Enemies that hit or are hit by the Templar are slowed by 80% for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Templar's Strength.
Charges a target, dealing 280% weapon damage and stunning all enemies within 8 yards for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Templar's Strength.
Taunt enemies within 10 yards of you for 3 to 6 seconds based on Templar's strength when you are hit.
*Skill Rework - Onslaught
Delivers a massive blow to an enemy for 800% weapon damage and causes the target and nearby enemies to take 10% increased damage for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Templar's Strength.
*Skill Rework - Guardian
When you take fatal damage, the Templar will rush to your aid, knocking back enemies within 15 yards, healing you for 15% to 25% life based on the Templar's Strength, and shielding you from all damage for 5 seconds.

Conjures a pool of energy that deals 330% weapon damage as Arcane over 5 to 7 seconds based on the Enchantress's Intelligence. Affected enemies will also take 10% increased damage.
Focused Mind
A 40-yard aura that increases attack speed for you and the Enchantress by 3% to 6% based on the Enchantress's Intelligence.
*Skill Rework (Renamed from Powered Armor) - Powered Shield
Reduces damage by 6% from ranged attacks, increases Armor by 3%, and slows melee attackers by 60% for 3 to 6 seconds for you and the Enchantress based on the Enchantress's Intelligence.
*New Skill - Temporal Pulse
The Enchantress casts a guided orb that deals 150% weapon damage and slows enemies by 80% for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Enchantress's Intelligence.
*New Skill - Amplification
Increases your highest static elemental bonus by 5% to 10% based on the Enchantress's Intelligence.
*New Skill - Prophetic Harmony
Reduce your skills’ Cooldowns by 5% to 10% based on the Enchantress's Intelligence.
*New Skill - Fate's Lapse
When you take fatal damage, the Enchantress empowers you to speed up your movement through time for 3 to 7 seconds to avoid death based on the Enchantress's Intelligence.
*Removed Skills - Forceful Push, Mass Control, Disorient, and Missile Ward
Solo Leaderboards Update: Greater Rift solo leaderboards now contain additional filters to sort by. This update provides a total of 7 filters available per class.

Class Sets
No Class Set
Overall (default filter)
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General Updates

Teleport - Adjusted Wizard's Teleport animation speed.
Land of the Dead - Invigoration skill rune now removes all resource costs.
Rathma's Shield passive skill now has a 60-second cooldown
Item Changes

Bones of Rathma 2-Piece Set: Your permanent minions reduce the cooldown of Army of the Dead by 0.25 0.50 second each time they deal damage. Your skeletal warriors spawn faster, and your revived minions no longer expire.
Bones of Rathma 4-Piece Set: Your minions no longer take damage. You gain 1% damage reduction for 15 seconds each time one of your minions deal damage. Maximum of 75 stacks.
Bones of Rathma 6-Piece Set: Each permanent active minion increases the damage of Army of the Dead by 500%, up to 8500% 9000%.
Defiler Cuisses: Bone Spirit's damage is increased by 400% to 500% for every second it is active and will also freeze enemies on impact. Maximum of 5 seconds.
New item* Bonds of C'Lena: Bone Spirit deals 300% to 400% increased damage and deals an additional 2% increased damage for 10 seconds each time Army of the Dead hits an enemy. Maximum of 500 stacks. Army of the Dead deals 75% to 100% increased damage or double this bonus against an active target of Command Skeletons.
Firebird's Finery 2-Piece Set: Disintegrate Ignites enemies, causing them to take 7500% 3000% weapon damage per second until they die. When you die, a meteor falls from the sky and revives you. This effect has a 60-second cooldown.
Firebird's Finery 4-Piece Set: Casting Disintegrate adds Combustion stacks that reduce the cooldown of Teleport by 1% 2% per stack. Stacks up to 100 50 times. You gain 80% damage reduction while maintaining Combustion stacks.
Firebird's Finery 6-Piece Set: You gain 4000% 2000% 5000% increased damage while Ignite is applied to a target. Hitting an Ignited enemy with a non-channeling fire spell deals Ignite damage multiplied by Combustion stacks.
Developer Note: With the bulk of patch 2.7.0's focus being on the single-player experience, we recognize that the set reworks and balance changes are some of the most impactful and important to the group play experience. We've heard the outpouring of feedback from the community and have decided to increase the Firebird's Finery 6-piece bonus.
We hope these changes will allow players to explore new strategies in high-end group play compositions for Season 23. We hope you enjoy Firebird's this season, but we will keep an eye on its power and adjust balance in the future.
Gears of Dreadlands 6-Piece Set: Your primary skills deal 15,000% increased damage.
The Ninth Cirri Satchel: Hungering Arrow is guaranteed to pierce and also deals 450% to 600% increased damage. Hungering Arrow can only pierce up to 3 4 times.
Gazing Demise: The damage of Spirit Barrage is increased by 100% to 150%. Spirit Barrage gains the Phantasm rune that lasts twice as long, and the attack rate from Manitou spectres is increased.
Blackthorne's Jousting Mail: Replaced one minor property with a random elemental damage affix.
Class Set Dungeon Update

To account for the Necromancer redesign of the Bones of Rathma set, we have updated the objective to "Revive 100 Corpses" from the current "Raise 100 Skeletal Mages".
Developer Note: In addition to the recent changes, we'll continue to analyze the performance of individual builds and rebalance them to allow for more variety in all categories of gameplay. We appreciate and value your feedback as we continue to analyze and fine-tune the performance of a variety of builds and address the high and low performers in this and future balance patches. Thank you all for your support and we look forward to seeing you this season!
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Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with the legacy version of Etched Sigil buffing unintended effects.
Fixed an issue with the Follower's cheat death skills activating while the player had a Shield Pylon active.
Fixed an issue where the Templar would sometimes stop following the player.
Fixed Revive - Personal Army buff not persisting with Rathma's 4 piece bonus
(Console) Fixed an issue with Follower skill cooldowns for Night's Veil (Scoundrel), Erosion (Enchantress), and Onslaught (Templar).

If you're looking to get the game then you can get the Diablo 3 Starter Edition to try the game out (you will need to create a Battle.net account). Once you've made an account you can download the Battle.net Desktop App. Open that, browse to Diablo III and click "Try for Free". You can also view more information on the Starter Edition here which covers the limitations and how to upgrade. After that, and assuming you go on to buy it, it's highly recommend to run through the game once in story mode to get to grips with the game and to get the Reaper of Souls expansion which adds a lot to the game. You can view more information on Reaper of Souls on the Blizzard website. Make sure to check out below for a list of battletags of people from OcUK (although this isn't up to date as people have left/joined new clans or may have stopped playing).

If you'd like more information or you're looking to get started with the new upcoming season and what to know some specifics on the new content then check out the handy 'pocket guide' for Diablo here.

If you're playing on the console versions see here for the console thread.
Elective Mode
Elective Mode is off by default however it is essential that it is turned on. This mode allows you to put any skill in the quickslot bars regardless of whether are in the same 'group'. Unless you turn this on you will be limited to one skill per group designated to the that particular quickslot key.

It's not essential for seasons but it's recommended to complete the campaign once to experience the whole story and to get to grips with the games mechanics such as skills, runes, followers and crafting. Adventure Mode is the 'end-game' mode for Diablo and if you're not playing in a season you need to have completed the campaign fully once and is only available with the Reaper of Souls expansion. In a season this is unlocked by default without needing a campaign playthrough but still requires the Reaper of Souls expansion.

Online Profiles and Standings
All Diablo characters have online profiles where you can browse characters gear and skill set-ups. To quickly find your character you will need your Battle.net tag and number. To get these go into the Battle.net app and in the top-right corner left click on your name and it'll give you both. After that visit:


to view your characters. In this example mine is Teaf#1614 so I could replace "Name" with "Teaf" and "Number" with "1614" (without any quotes). Blizzard also have standings for Greater Rift progression for every class and region. You can view the European standings at this link. From here you can select the Greater Rift type (season, hardcore, etc) as well as classes and era.

Gearing Basics
There is quite a lot to discuss on how to gear properly, but in most cases this revolves around set items. For the basics though we can quickly discuss essentials when it comes to certain items and stats. You will need an understanding of the Mystic and how primary and second affixes work. You can view more on her here.

Item Affixes
Items will always have affixes although how many you have depends on the items level and rarity. At maximum you can have 4 primary affixes and 2 secondary affixes. There are some niche cases where this is different and you can have 5 primary affixes but this only counts for a limited amount of legendary items. When re-rolling stats at the Mystic you can only turn primary affxies into other primary affixes (and secondary into other secondary). Such as Vitality (primary) can be re-rolled into a Socket (primary) but cannot be rolled into Pick-Up Radius (secondary). You cannot have multiple rolls of the same affix, even with the Mystic.

Ancients: Ancient items are specific to legendary items (regular and set) and are simply more powerful variants of the same item. They have much higher bottom and top end rolls ranges for affixes, and for weapons have high base damage.

Weapons: Every character is greatly boosted by having a socket in their weapon. With exceptions only for leveling up to 70 you must have a socket in your weapon or you are greatly hindering your character. Whilst leveling this is recommended but is not essential. This only matters for weapons and the same rule isn't applied for off-hand items such as shields and quivers.

Sockets: It is nearly essential that all items that are capable of having a socket do actually have their maximum sockets available. The exceptions are off-hand items such as quivers, shields and mojos where the socket is not only not essential it is actively discouraged (except for niche cases) as there are more important stats on off-hand items to get. These guidelines also include the exception of skill stats such as "Increases <skill> damage by x%" as they are different depending on class and slot.

Damage Slots: Excluding your main and off-hand slots the primary damage slots are: rings, amulet, gloves. Except in niche cases (such as a non-crit build) they should always have: your primary stat (Int, Dex, or Str), critical hit chance and critical hit damage. Arguments can be made for also having attack speed however this is build specific and in most cases your primary stat and both crit rolls are better. One other note is for amulets which, like bracers, can roll a specific damage stat such as "Cold skills increased by x% damage" which is a very good stat when primary focusing on one damage type.

Hybrid Slots: Hybrid items are slots which don't specialise on defense or offense but include a mix. This includes: bracers, helm, shoulders and waist. Your helm and bracers slots can both roll critical hit chance, but not critical hit damage, and an array of defensive slots. It is mostly always essential to get critical hit chance on both these slots. Bracers can also roll specific damage boost stats like "Cold skills increase by x% damage" which is highly advised to get. The waist slot is generally a defensive slots but can be used either as a hybrid or damage slot. Items like Fleeting Strap and The Witching Hour are offensively focused, but items such as String of Ears are defensively focused. Shoulders are generally defensive based but can roll two very good damage stats: area damage and skill damage. This has lead to players using this slot for offensive rather than it's general defensive usage of having a primary stat, vitality and armour/all resistance.

Defensive Slots: Defensive slots are generally considered to be: chest, pants and boots. These items are normally always built purely defensively with your primary stat, vitality, armour or all resistance and, where possible, reduced melee/range damage.

Communities and Clans: It's recommended to at least join a community if you don't plan on finding a clan. Communities are like a general chat and often have specific topics such as classes, but some are quite general such as the Reddit community. They offer a nice way to find groups or chat about the game without having to have people in your party already.
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Yeah if you want added just reply with your tag. Monk and WD was the same dilemma I had this season :p Chose WD in the end, with the hopes of going group stuff with Charger or/and Arachyr but the latter seems too underpowered compared to other specs and sharpys said that Fire Wall/Acid Cloud is kinda laggy so might just end up going Carnevil. Probably still make a Monk at some point though.
Nice one Fibby. It good of you to step up and it's about time for a rehaul.

Good amount of info and links too great job mate!! Was going to mention youtube Anthony Evans WD channel and Mikhail meathead channel

Doh, no idea how I forgot about Mikhail, I watch his videos all the time. Anthony Evans is up there though (he's BigDaddyDen) :)

Cheers mate

That's some brutal lag caused by WD's. I've seen the lag in action but it didn't seem anywhere near that bad, but that's just horrific. Might have to ditch WD and move to Monk, unless I can play Carnevil instead but I can't seem to find out if it's definitely just the Helltooth set causing the problem or not.
Yeah it's bad.

Lots of people seem to say it's something to do with Necrosis and server issues. I remember similar lag last season with a gem, can't remember which one, and also issues with Ball Lightning. If it's just the Helltooth set I'll just use Carnevil until they fix it, or maybe just use Helltooth until GR60+ when it starts becoming a problem (too many mobs not dying as fast).
That's nice info, good to see some of the figures, cheers Sharpy. Must admit I'm kinda surprised at some of them, like an Abomination giving nearly 0.45%? That seems quite high. Undead got a good hammering for progression, I won't get excited anymore at those 25 packs of Walking Corpses, they always made your bar rocket up.
Food shopping done - Check
Car refuelled - Check
Chicken for lunch - Check
No plans this evening - Check

Let's do this! :D


I went to get beer and Chinese takeaway after work, you know, the essentials :p Now I'm just patiently waiting!
If people are doing the Leoric's Crown make sure you do it at 20, if you do it before that you'll get a legendary but it'll be random item and not the Crown, you need to do it at 20+ to get the Crown.
I'm getting on this large over the weekend boys.

I'm in the clan but if anyone wants to add me then DeanT77#2965

Oh and Flibby, cracking thread buddy, bombs of knowledge being dropped! :D

Cheers buddy! I've added you to the Battle.net tags in the OP.

Im having a great time so far, much nicer levelling speed than before. i regret not doing season 3 now, that portrait and banner looks good!

Glad to hear people are having fun. They'll probably cycle old season rewards again into new seasons at some point so you'll be able to get it again (hopefully!).
Do you stick with this crown until you hit 70? I got one at lvl 20ish and I keep upgrading the gem but I'm getting tempted by more damage on head gear drops (I'm lvl 48).

I'd just stick with it, yeah the damage is nice but finishing levels 20 - 30% faster due to the bonus experience is nicer.
Can't get 6 piece Helltooth! Doing my head in, stuck at 5/6 and need the head piece. Been gambling for that helm since yesterday lunch time and still nothing. Haven't even had another Helltooth piece that I could maybe just cube into a helm either. Once I get that I can probably go from T6 to T9, maybe T10.
Get RROG and cube it? Or do you need another jewellery piece in that slot.

Aye been trying that too. Need convention but 6 pc Helltooth is much better so could use a RoRG for now but ran a load of Act 1's and not got it yet either :/

Edit: Got the helm 20 minutes later :p Complaining works!
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Did some Hellfire Amulet runs today, first amulet I made:


Blizzard did a Diablo Q&A on reddit last night. Just in case people can't read it at work I copied them in the spoiler below so you can check them out:

Does the Leoric family have any specific affinity to being "possessed" by Diablo? So far, both of King Leoric's sons and his granddaughter had to suffer through that, does Diablo just like royal blood? Edit: Also, does Leoric have any more descendants we should look out for in the future? ;)

Diablo initially possessed Leoric because he could do the most damage by possessing a king. All of the misery that has haunted the family since then is the inevitable result of that initial possession. Just a very unlucky family.

As to other family members waiting in the wings… what an interesting idea!

Any plans for gold sink? I'm 20 hours into my S4 character with 600m+ gold...

We want gold to be a more valuable resource to players and have some designs in the works to this end in our next patch.

Since the release of bounties there have been many instances where a bounty will become bugged and unable to be completed. Could we perhaps get some sort of mechanism to talk to Tyrael and get a new bounty if one becomes 'stuck'?

We are in the process of disabling bounties that are broken to make sure they don't roll. Once we've fixed them we'll be reintroducing them back into the pool of available bounties.

However we don't have any plans to add a mechanism to reroll a stuck bounty. We wouldn't want this to become a way to flip bounties and instead we want to make sure all bounties that can roll are functional.

is there any option fixing the wd lags in higher rifts this season

The Helltooth lag is composed of several different factors. We’ve sent hotfixes to optimize and address two of the factors - Helltooth 2-piece bonus and Acid Cloud - which reports indicate has improved the situation. There are more unaddressed factors, most notably Wall of Death. We plan to optimize Wall of Death in the near future.

I do want to make it clear we will make sure the power level of the build isn’t reduced at all.

Will cubed legendaries from season 4 roll over to non-season once it's over?


Is it possible to add in the tooltip, or add any sort of indicator, to show that a legendary item has its power already extracted in the cube?

Thanks, jiminee, that would be useful and we will look at it.

Hello, are there any plans on adding controller support into the PC version of Diablo like there is in the console versions? Thank you all for making such a wonderful game!

Hi and thanks for the question. You're not the first to ask this question and I would love to do so however we made very specific changes to the game to make the controller work on console.

Not only did we add an evade move but we also changed how some of the skills function and how the camera behaves. Adding controller support for PC would require bringing those changes as well which is not feasible. So no sadly we won't be bringing controller support for PC.

Can we get a way to craft Ramalandi's gift via cube? Even if its hyper expensive...

This is a popular request but we have no plan to do anything of this sort. Ramaladni's Gift is a very useful item and also completely unique in what it does, it's great that players want them and I would prefer to have more things like the gift that are totally unique and exciting to find.

Any plans on Thorns? The latest scaling buff was nice, but it's still lacking faaar behind any other sets. Now that the Invoker Set only drops for Crusader, I expect there to be more changes to Thorns in the future.

Thorns is something we have iterated on in the past and continue to evaluate. Patch 2.3 increased the damage bonus given from primary stats to its full value which makes it slightly better. Our current plan is to fully embrace the thorns theme of the Invoker set and we are working on a revamp for the set in 2.4.

So how about those Skovos Isles, guys?

Skovos is a dangerous place!

What is going down in the Skovos Isles? Lorath and Tyrael are always going on about it. Is this a hint at upcoming new content?

Sanctuary is full of deadly surprises, so the New Horadrim that Tyrael is sending out to help humanity have high rates of fatality. Skovos seems to be a particularly rough place to get assigned.

But many other parts of Sanctuary are equally dangerous, so Skovos is just the topic at hand between Lorath and Tryael.

Are you aware of all the broken bounties through some sort of technical means? Or do you need community feedback on which ones are broken? I can list like 10 off the top of my head.

We get both report internally as well as keep an eye on forums. Feel free to list them and we can compare them against our list.

Hey guys! First off all, I would like to say a big thank you to all of you guys at the dev office. The patch is freaking awesome and I love it! My question would be the next: With so many newer and stronger class sets, some of the old class sets (e.g. Firebird's Finery, Jade Harvester) became extremely weak. Are there any plans to rework these sets in the near future? (possible 2.4?) I really like Firebird Wizard, but it is just so underwhelming right now... Thanks for answering, and keep rocking!

Yes, 100%, absolutely. Internally, we have already updated, revamped, or redesigned completely many of the 6pc sets that are currently not seeing use. The ones that are already done include Shadow's Mantle, Might of the Earth, Jade Harvester, Firebird's, Akkhan's, Invoker's, and Marauder's. Sunwuko and Inna's is being worked on. The goal is to bring all of these sets up to the power level of the current top 2.3 sets/builds.

You all will see these updates in the near future in patch 2.4.

Certain builds require keeping an eye on your buffs to maximize your damage (for example Tal'Rasha, Taeguk, Convention of Elements). However, when playing in a party, these buffs can disappear once you get more than 8 buffs. Is it possible to allow players to choose which buffs they always want to see, so these buffs are easier to track?

The inability to see important buffs that affect your moment-to-moment gameplay is something we want to address.

We have been avoiding simply adding more buffs because having a large number of buffs on the screen is not only visually unappealing, but it can be just as frustrating to locate the buff that you care about in a sea of buffs.

I view buffs broadly in 3 categories Category 1: "Always On" buffs. Really obvious ones are the Multiplayer buff, or when there is a Community event in place. These buffs are great to know, but they take up one of your precious buff slots. Monk Mantras are a slightly less "always" version of this. If I'm in a party with a monk wearing Inna's, suddenly all players in the party have half of their buff slots tied up.

Category 2: "Reassuring buffs". These are buffs that you want to know they are on you, but they don't affect your moment to moment gameplay. A good example of this would be Storm armor on the Wizard, or Frenzy stacks on a Barbarian. Many times you want to know the skill is working correctly, but you aren't checking on the buff in the heat of combat

Category 3: "Moment-to-moment buffs". These are the buffs that actually affect you moment-to-moment and are usually the source of complaints. Focus and Restraint are a great example here.

Overall our goal is to find alternate ways to communicate Category 1 and Category 2 buffs so that Category 3 buffs can take center stage on the buff bar.

We don't have anything to share at this time, but I assure you that with the introduction of all the extra powers players have from Kanai's Cube, combined with new legendary items that make you powerful but require some degree of buff tracking (vyr's / chantodo's comes to mind) the desire to address this is greater than ever.

Kanai's Cube has introduced a fascinating branch of gameplay: legendary affix "combos". Specifically, the interaction between Madstone, Uliana's 6 piece bonus, and Gungdo Gear sets the mind ablaze with possibility. It reads and plays beautifully, and was a major incentive for me to dig through the game's item trove to find additional "combo" pieces. Is this a favored design facet and will we see additional legendary powers that interact so well together?

The cube has certainly opened up more build possibilities than before which is really exciting. Our goal is to continue introducing items that will expand on or enable builds.

Favourite item?

Convention of Elements. The item rewards you for changing your pacing and playstyle slightly to maximize the benefit you gain from the item and it feels really good when it pays off.

Additionally (for those who don’t know), this item was designed by the crowd and attendees at BlizzCon 2014 via the Design a Legendary event so it’s nice that we have an item that's designed with help from the players and is named after the convention.

The Helltooth lag is composed of several different factors. We’ve sent hotfixes to optimize and address two of the factors - Helltooth 2-piece bonus and Acid Cloud - which reports indicate has improved the situation. There are more unaddressed factors, most notably Wall of Death. We plan to optimize Wall of Death in the near future. I do want to make it clear we will make sure the power level of the build isn’t reduced at all.

To expand on what John is saying a bit, we have both been keeping a close eye on some of these collections of items and skills that are causing lag and are trying to fix them as they come up. Please keep letting us know combination of skills and items that are causing these issues, so we can take a close look as to what is causing the lag.

Since most of these improvements need to come in the form of hotfixes we have to be very careful that our changes are limited in scope and very thoroughly tested. The funny adage of “99 bugs in the code, take one down patch it around, 147 bugs in the code” is often true. As a HC witchdoctor in S4 myself, I have selfish motivations to fix this as well =).

I still haven’t lived down how I changed a parameter in a projectile function a few years ago in a hotfix to fix some Demon Hunter ability, and completely broke zombie bears for the entire game for a few days.

Why has the number of lower level class specific items (armour & 2-handed weapons) the blacksmith can forge been reduced so drastically? The only things that seem to have escaped the cull are the one handed weapons and off-hand items for ranged classes[DH/WD/Wiz].

We thought that there was too much overlap and redundancy in the crafting choices and we wanted to make each choice more meaningful and be clearer to the player.

We also wanted certain weapon and armor types to be only discoverable in the world.

Hi Diablo 3 team. Are you planning on answering any questions today or are we being trolled?


Now that each class has a couple of decent sets, can we get a small balance pass on them to even them out? I love the playstyle of full 6pc Delsere and Marauders, but I feel like I'm gimping my friends by using them and it's frustrating.

Set and legendary item tuning continues to be an ongoing effort. Each patch we help bring more playstyles closer in line with each other and this will continue to be our goal moving forward.

What are the updates going on with Area Damage? Last patch it was said from developers it may/may not get a full rework. Currently it does not function 100% as the tooltip states. It is specifically disregarding certain damage bonuses which nerfs some classes more then others. The PTR fixed a few of these issues but then broke them again in the last week of the PTR. What was going on internally that last week that reverted these fixes?

The functional issues with Area Damage are composed of several different, but related issues.

In patch 2.3, we fixed most of the issues, e.g. Area Damage working with Wrath of the Berserker - Insanity and similar skills and items. However, a few issues remain which I believe include Area Damage's interaction with Delsere's and Bracers of the First Men. These remaining issues were deemed too risky from a code standpoint to hotfix because the code touches the order that damage bonuses are calculated and applied, and it was causing other bugs with elemental damage bonuses and damage amplify debuffs. We plan to fix all remaining issues in the next major content patch when we have PTR time.

Sorry that it's taking so long. We appreciate your patience.

Have you, or are you considering a "Stat Squish" at some point? It would make the numbers a lot more manageable for players, and I'm certain smaller numbers wouldn't hurt server performance.

We aren’t currently planning a stat squish or a change to damage numbers display though both have been discussed. This is something that we monitor.

Right now the gap in efficiency between solo play and group play is quite large, does your team have any plans to not necessary completely close the gap but at least narrow it somewhat?

I realize this is a hot topic right now in the community and I know a lot of people are eager to understand how we determine the right rewards for single player versus multiplayer game modes. I’d like to go in depth on this question especially.

For us it is an issue than the efficiency of groups who are stacking XP% don’t get to wear their awesome, face-melting gear. The game should be about slaughtering monsters to get rewarded with epic loot. It’s a lot less fun when you don’t get to do the slaughtering.

Exacerbating the situation isn't experience farming itself, it’s how different the activity is from other activities in the game. I was listening to State of Sanctuary and one of the hosts actually mentioned this - in 2.1 XP farming wasn't considered as big a deal, not only because the rate of XP gain wasn't as large, but more importantly, XP was a natural by-product of trying to get legendary items, blood shards, or generally melting faces. Today, the activity that maximizes your experience per hour is no longer the same as the one that maximizes blood shards and legendaries with a poweful build. Because the activities aren’t the same, it forces players to choose between playing the core game as it was designed and wearing XP% gear in a specifically calibrated environment. We agree that these activities need to be re-aligned again, and that’s what we’re re-examining.

Some people have asked if our intent in changing experience sharing in Patch 2.3.0 was to better balance multiplayer rewards. Functionally speaking though, there isn’t a difference before and after the patch. Players can still wear the exact same amount of bonus XP gear and perform about as well in Greater Rifts. The difference is that before only 2 people would be getting all the benefit. How the rewards are split is a separate topic from whether XP gear provides too much benefit.

Let’s talk philosophy. We want people to play together. I think everybody understands that groups should be better than solo, but there’s debate about how much that difference should be. If I’m playing by myself and then a friend joins me, I should be a little bit better off, right?

The issue is that this is only true when you and your friend are exactly the same power level. Realistically, in Diablo III, the power level of players varies widely. You may be in full Ancient gear with your 6-piece set bonuses and all the appropriate complementary legendaries while your friend only has their 4-piece bonus and a non-ancient weapon. Is it okay for your friend to join your game and your experience to be worse?

We took a long look at the way the game has evolved over the last three years and made a judgment call: as much as possible, we want a friend joining your game to make your experience better, not worse. People shouldn’t feel they need to inspect you when you join a public game and your friend that stopped playing for two months shouldn’t feel like a burden for wanting to play with you. Generally, you should prefer to have company in your game than not.

Then there’s the suggestion that we should remove the 30% bonus to experience gain in multiplayer. It comes from a well-intentioned place. However, once you examine all the sources of advantages in multiplayer groups, that 30% experience bonus is the least significant. It’s easy to pay attention to because it's the most visible of the multiplayer bonuses, so it’s also perceived as the most advantageous.

Here are the main advantages to playing multiplayer and farming experience:

Adding an extra person increases potential damage up to 100% or more, but monster health only increases by 50%. Similarly, in a 4-player game, monster health doesn’t scale to four times the amount in solo; it only goes up 2.5 times the amount. This is clearly a greater benefit than 30% experience. Another source of advantage for groups is skill synergy. When groups are synergizing their group buffs and enemy debuffs to their maximum, the advantage provided blows the 30% experience bonus out of the water. Finally, another source of advantage for farming XP is being able to have some people in XP% gear. As noted previously, the problem here isn't that the XP% is averaged, it's that the XP% gear has such a positive effect at all. The fact that it's averaged now just means everybody benefits, which is better than only the people wearing the gear benefitting (despite everybody contributing). It also removes the social awkwardness of arguing over who gets to wear the XP gear. If you feel that XP% gear shouldn't be this good in the first place (regardless of whether you’re in a group), then that's fair. My long explanation is to explain why we are happy with the 30% bonus in groups, but we are examining the other 3 major contributors to see what we can do there to shrink the gap between solo and group play while still keeping group play better - even when your undergeared friend joins.

The designers who worked on Greed's realm did an absolutely amazing job. I think the feeling of moving up and down vertically adds some really cool vibes to the area. Is there any chance we'll see more tile sets and zones like this in future content patches?

Greed's Realm is one of my favorite zones to work on. The verticality came from wanting to show this vast treasure realm with mountains of gold and riches to really support the theme of the zone. It also worked out nicely for gameplay giving it a nice feel of going up and down. The art team loves giving a lot of verticality to different parts of the game because it shows a lot of what the theme of the area is all about. If the theme of any future zones we are working on calls for it then we would love to add it. Im happy you noticed it.

We aren’t currently planning a stat squish or a change to damage numbers display though both have been discussed. This is something that we monitor.

It is also worth saying that most of our damage and health calculations on the server are done in floating point numbers. Computationally the expense between large and small floats is the same, and most of the expense on the server is usually the raw quantity of the calculations we are trying to do rather than values stored in the floats themselves.

Is a proper gem sink being considered, maybe via a cube recipe or whatnot? As it stands, gem are in high demand early into a season and then they become even more inflated than gold.

We have been internally discussing ideas to provide appealing gem sinks in the game in an upcoming patch. No details to announce yet though.

Are there any plans on changes/additions to the Weight of the Earth set?

Yes and John Yang posted a longer answer on a similar set question to list out all of the set being worked on. Thanks!

Do you guys plan on having this season go for four months as well? Or are you planning on re working the season lengths?

With the addition of Season Journey, we will closely monitor the length of play that is right for this season. Each time, we feel like we are getting more information to dial in the right length. Keep giving feedback! We are looking for it.

What are your thoughts on the current situation with Death's Breath? This one material is the sole limiting factor in progress, acquiring more has become the most important thing we do, and our primary goal in farming.

We are mostly happy with the current state of Death's Breath. The goal of any resource is that it is valuable, we added a lot of recipes to the cube that are meant to serve as sinks for different materials. Before the addition of the cube people largely considered them useless, after we added recipes to make them appealing people say they want more than they have, my response to this is usually "Awesome!".

Can we see more/improved Kanai recipes down the road? Such as removing the 9 gem limit, or reforging ancients.

The cube has been incredibly well received and we are very happy with it. We plan on adding more recipes over time but there are no plans to change any of the existing recipes as they each have a very unique purpose that we are happy with.

Any chance for a "close-quarters" DH build? They have plenty of knife based skills.

That would be awesome! Geez, John Yang, why don't you do something about that?

Patch 2.3 is a ton of fun, but any thoughts on making Uliana's more group friendly? Exploding Palms of the same rune apparently do not stack among grouped monks. In a group of 2+ U6 Monks, both/all of them need to cube Madstone to share a rune. Otherwise, at least one monk has to change runes AND bracer elements to remain effective. Wouldn't 2+ Delsere's(4) wizards be able to stack the same Slow Time damage? Why does Uliana's(6) effectiveness hinge on other players' builds?

What I want to know is why i've only had one piece drop for me so far.

Why did you reintroduce the crafting problems you removed from the game once with the act specific crafting materials?

Targeted materials serve a great purpose in giving players more direct control over their ability to earn or attain something they want. The reason we removed them initially wasn't because we didn't like them, it was because the way in which they were implemented were causing players to do unfun things (like flipping a game repeatedly to kill 1 monster). We are very happy with the new version of those materials and contribute to giving players more diverse activities for distinct rewards. If you want to upgrade your gems run Grfits, if you want Deaths Breath normal rifts are a great source, if you want to extract powers via the cube run bounties.

Will there be more builds that work without 6pc sets in the future? I'm playing a shenlong monk at the moment and it's glorious. I really think this is the direction you should take itemization in.

Right now a lot of priority has been making sure there are multiple 6-piece sets that are fun to play for every class. We're making great progress on this front not to mention the supporting legendaries and Kanai's cube allow for a fair amount of build variation and player creativity.

That said, I am working on a little something something for those who don't like six-piece sets for 2.4 ;)

No promises yet. Things VERY OFTEN get cut during development or internal testing.

why arent you able to see all your buffs ?

So Wyatt just answered re: how we categorize buffs and some possible work on how we display them. I think it is interesting to note, from a behind the scenes development POV, that sometimes issues like this rise in priority as unintended consequences for otherwise highly desire features. In this case, the too many buffs to display issue has been a little more class or situation specific (monk auras, anyone?) but now that Kanai’s Cube is out, people can almost at will choose a wider variety of items with buffs on them which meant addressing the display problem rose higher on the priority list vs. new feature development. Diablo development works very much in concert with player feedback, as we have said before, but the priorities are often heavily influenced by our piling on of ever-more legendary powers and all of the ripples of work that come from that. Hope this is interesting for you to know!

Pretty sure everything but seasons are available on the current-gen consoles. Last-gen consoles are no longer supported.

What Thunderclaww said in short. The more detailed answer is that for every feature we try and bring them over to consoles, we usually have to make some changes (often UI related) and make sure it functions as intended on the different platform. Seasons are the outlier in terms of features that don't move over to console.

hello i have 2 questions regarding kanai cube : when i reroll a legendary item,can it roll ancient ? if i use a gift of rama then reroll it , will the socket of the gift be lost ? thx

When you use the reforge recipe the result can be ancient. It's important to note that the chance to be ancient is unaffected by whether or not you put an ancient in. Effectively you are destroying and creating a completely new version of the item which means it will always have the same % chance to come out as ancient regardless of what went in, this also means that if you used a gift on the item that will not be on the new item.

Is anything being done about the Arachyr 4pc bonus? All feedback and complaints on PTR were seemingly ignored.

I've heard all of this feedback and I completely agree. I also dislike the fact that the Toad of Hugeness swallows monsters completely, making them unable to take damage for a short period of time. I want to change this in the next patch to be a simple Stun in the future, but I wanted to couple this change with some animation adjustments to the Toad to match. At the time this feedback came in during 2.3 PTR, it was a little too late to make the art changes in time for that patch.

Will you ever fix the lag issue in higher GR with several classes/specs? Really ruins the fun in the game.

Parroting what I said in a previous post, please keep letting us know combinations of skills and items that consistently cause the lag. Given the huge number of new legendaries, gems, cube passives, etc players are finding either the computationally expensive skills, or feedback loops between the skills/items/passives that can lead to spikes of computation that sometimes cause the lag. This is something we are always keeping an eye on; we want everyone to able to go crazy in high level Grifts without experiencing any lag.

Since 2.3.0 is out and so is season 4, what are you planning to do/what are you working on?

It has always been our plan for Diablo 3 to have a strong legacy and Patch 2.3 is a key part of that. We've been humbled by the success of the game and the continued support of our players and we want to honor the support you've given us by making the game the best that it can be! So that :)

Above & Beyond are my favorite DJs, and the Diablo franchise are my favorite games. Who is responsible for all the A&B references in D3? We should be best friends.

Don Vu (another designer on the team) is one of the biggest EDM-lovers I know and is responsible for most of the EDM references, including all of the Seasonal Conquest achievements that are named after songs.

Diablo III has been quite the ride. Since its release, we've had a new act, a new class, a new play mode, new character skills, new sets, changes to old sets, new bounties, new rifts, a new rift type, new gems, seasons, new difficulties... everything has changed, except for one thing: the ONLY option for a weapon socket is an emerald. Will this ever change?

I am hugely in favor of this. In general I love balance in all things because that means more than one choice is good.

For the case of gems in weapons, buffing Amethyst is a great idea, because the benefit it provides (+Life on Hit) is a completely different choice from the current leading gem - Emerald = Critical Hit Damage. Buffing Diamonds (+Elite damage) and Rubies (+Flat damage) is slightly less interesting because it will probably come down to one mathematically correct answer depending on the weapon and build. Lastly, our goal is to have Topaz be the gem to use for the Invoker's set.

Any chance we will be able to retire non hardcore characters and save them in something like the hall of fallen heroes? I hate deleting countless hours just to make a spot for a new seasonal character.

I feel your pain. We have some ideas to alleviate some of the agony with deleting a character just to participate in a season. No promises.

Would you ever consider making it so the deeper you go in rifts the higher chance there is of coming accross an encounter (wether it be goblins, key wardens, something new).. to give players a reason to stay in once the guardian is dead?

It's an interesting idea, I don't know that I would do it exactly like that however there is something cool there.

Can you put a pomeranian dog in the game somewhere? I really like poms. Pugs are fine too.

We put a cat in.

Hey guys! Thanks for this Q&A. This patch has been great, a real blast. Especially with the introduction of Kanai and Kanai's Cube. It was incredible going through the Ruins in search of the cube, and coming upon a lore book that speaks of this legendary warrior. Then, I would get chills realizing that this was based on a real person, and their memory. My question is, what was the character creation process like with Kanai, and how were you effected during Kanai's creation? Thanks again for an amazing patch!

Thanks for the kind words.

The most important thing was to make sure that we were paying homage to him. For example we didn't want players to click on Kanai while he was sitting on the throne, that didn't feel right to us.

There is also a hidden event surrounding Kanai that is based on what month it is. That event really was a way for us to play one last time with him, to have him adventure with us again.

As to how it affected people on the team; there are no words I can use that would properly convey how important this was to us. The hole this has left in our team is one that cannot be filled and shouldn't be filled.

Thank you for the kind question.

The only Kanai cube missing is "Upgrade Legendary to Ancient". Are there any plans to add that? Obviously it should be a substantial cost - like 5xRamadaladongs + 50 Forgotten Souls, etc. Either that or any thoughts about having an Auction House return for non-season only?

There is no plan to add an "Upgrade to ancient" recipe. Ancient items were added to provide players long term goals to pursue while allowing the drop rates to be generous enough for the average seasonal player to have a great experience.

I heard about Bandit Shrines that spawned goblins on the PTR. Did those get taken out before the patch went live?

While these mysterious shrines are nowhere to be seen in the patch notes, we have heard of players who have sighted them in the live game...

what are your thoughts on the current build diversity?

I will never be happy with build diversity until every build is completely equal in power level for both the top players and average players. This is a huge goal of ours every patch. That said, it's really really hard to achieve perfect balance because we don't have a large team of the top players testing every build every patch for a long period of time.

I will say that I think it's improved in 2.3. We saw Barbarians get a Hammer of the Ancients and Seismic Slam + IK build to compete with the top WW builds. WW+Rend is also now a thing (again). Witch Doctors saw Helltooth builds perform near equal to Carnevil builds. Monks now have a generator build and a Uliana's build. If we do our jobs right this trend will continue.

Right now, the monks, and witch doctors are mostly sought after for groups since they have the capability to tank. As a person that mains DH, I'm a bit jealous that these classes have the capability to switch between having a DPS build, and a tank build. Is there any chance to relook at the tanking mechanic in a such a way that it would be feasible to have a tank build for all classes?

We don't aim to necessarily have a tanking build for all classes and have no plans to redo the tanking mechanic, but we definitely want all classes to be viable and desired in groups. An example is the addition of Threatening Shout - Falter and the change to Pride of Cassius to work for group members in 2.3.

Demon Hunters may be on the low side of group utility right now. In 2.2, that was okay because Slowball pumped out more damage than any other class, but with the removal of perma-CC that changed. I'll keep an eye on Demon Hunter group utility and see if any changes are needed and can be made for the future.

Love the patch, good work! Which one of you guys has the highest paragon so far?

I think John plays in his sleep.

Any chance that the reforge legendary recipe "Law of Kulle" gets re-costed? As it stands, it's kind of ridiculously priced. Even if it is powerful.

Different recipes are intended for different audiences, this recipe in particular is intended for the most avid players. It's primary purpose is to provide players who are only looking for incredibly rare ancient upgrades a very expensive way to do that. It's very expensive but it is effectively generating a brand new item of the legendary of your choice with the standard chance to be ancient.

Is the Hope of Cain recipe about as powerful as you guys intended? Did you mean to put it in in order to make Torment 10 rift farming competitive with Greater Rift farming?

The goal of Hope of Cain was both to give players more control over what items they were pursuing and also to ensure that Deaths Breath would always be a desirable material. It's doing both of these things quite well and we are very happy with it.

What's the best player story you've heard? Also, thank you. My dad and I bonded over Diablo and it's why I know English.

I usually tell the older guys on this team this story to make them feel old; but my dad and I bonded over D1 as well when I was a kid. I still remember the day I was getting picked up from elementary school and was surprised to see my dad was picking me up instead of my mom. I got in the car and he said he took a half day and bought two copies of this Diablo game he’s been hearing great things about. My mom wasn’t amused, but we stayed up late that night and many nights to come playing the hell out of D1. Good memories =).

Are there any hidden recipes with the Cube that have yet to be discovered?

No comment. (This is technically a comment but does it mean anything about recipes? Does it???)

What is your stand on the 'feel' or atmosphere of the game as opposed to older Diablo games? I hear a lot of critique saying that Diablo 3 feels more 'epic', Warcraft-ish than its gothic, dark predecessors. Do you agree? Is this how you meant the game to be?

With Reaper of Souls I think we definitely brought up the gothic atmosphere of the game. Adding epic expansive areas to the game like Battlefields of Eternity in addition to small cramped dark dungeons gives it a nice variety. We don't want every area in the game to have the exact same tone.

That would be awesome! Geez, John Yang, why don't you do something about that?

Done! The Shadow's Mantle set is the redesign that I'm the most excited about for 2.4 so far. The idea of a melee-weapon oriented build that doesn't involve bows/xbows has always been in the back of my mind. Here's what it currently looks like:

2pc While equipped with a melee weapon, all damage is increased by 1000%. 4pc Shadow Power gains all runes and lasts forever. 6pc Impale deals 30000% weapon damage to the first enemy it hits.

The idea is that the set is extremely strong on single-target damage, but weak on AoE. To help with that, a new dagger will have the power "Every second, the damage of your next Fan of Knives is increased by 250-300%." To help with movement, a pair of bracers has the power "After using Impale, Vault costs no resource for 2 seconds." That item will allow you to Vault into position to Impale the high-value targets.

Additionally, we're also allowing Demon Hunters to use melee weapons with quivers because the fantasy of this quick-moving assassin build is about speed, not walking around with a shield ;)

Would you consider a quality of life change for showing resource cost and cooldowns for a given skill that reflects in their tooltips? I'm suggesting specifically for skills with cooldowns to be grayed out with a number counting down to represent that remaining cooldown, and for skills requiring resource to list in their tooltips the resource per cast.

It's a good idea and on the wishlist but unfortunately we currently consider it lower priority than other UI initiatives such as improving the buff bar. I wish I had a more positive answer for you - sorry! :(

Favourite item?

Rogar's Huge Stone.

[qupte]The ability to change one set item into another with the cube is great, but it only works on sets with 3 or more pieces. I understand that this was partially in response to the relatively cheap cost of the recipe being exploited to get perfect rolls on various items. However because of this limitation I've been attempting to get Shenlong's Fist of Legend with the upgrade rare recipe for several days and only have about 6 or 7 Relentless Assaults to show for it. It's getting a bit demoralizing. Is there any possibility of a new recipe that works specifically for the 2 piece sets? Perhaps something like 3 of the same piece and some souls/death's breaths will give the other piece?[/quote]

The intent of this recipe was to provide players a way to complete their class sets if rng was being unkind to them. If you keep getting duplicate pieces instead of that elusive sixth piece this recipe is meant to give you a way to solve that. We removed the ability to do small sets because the intent of this recipe was not "create Focus" "create Restraint". Also players were using this recipe to make class sets ancient. In both of those cases the question we had to answer was "Do we cost it around what they are using it for or do we restrict it to the purpose it was designed for?" we decided that ensuring the recipe fulfilled its design goal, allowing players to finish class sets, was more important to us than providing yet another way to make ancient items or generate specific items because both of those already have recipes designed explicitly to that end.

Hi. Do you think it would be possible to add an option to auto pick up crafting mats in the future?

We want to retain a sense that the crafting mats are real items. We have found that when something becomes auto-pickup, you often don't even notice when you get it or not. We added vacuum pickup to alleviate how much clicking you need to pick everything up (particularly after Gelatinous Sires!).

Wtb stash tabs, willing to spend billions.

So the tricky thing about a gold sink is that we don't want to add a gold sink that causes people to feel like they need to drop everything to farm gold for hours on end. A good gold sink will pull gold from the economy without making you feel like you need to completely change what you're doing and spend hours upon hours doing it.

Will we see the Ruins of Sescheron appear in rift maps?

Yes you will.

My question is about the game in general part. Are there any future plans to clean up console? I love the couch co-op feel of it and playing with my buddies that don't have a PC is great. Unfortunately, online public games are plagued with cheaters and hacks that just defeat the purpose of the game. While I can just play solo or with my friends to avoid these exploits, I would like to see seasons and other competitive aspects of Diablo brought to console. Either way, I'd appreciate a response. Thanks for your time!

I'm glad you love couch co-op it's something we're really proud of.

Because of how the game is architectured on console there is unfortunately a limit to what we can do to affect people who hack the game. This was one of the tradeoffs of allowing Diablo 3 to work offline on console.

That being said we are always looking at improving the situation and we recently made a change to how Legendary Gems work on console to address some of the cheating surrounding them.

Here's one for /u/Blizz_BrianKindregan : When are you going to reveal what we all already know -- that Tyrael is the real villain of the series!?


I have only one question. Damage and Health numbers are absurd at the moment. when an enemy has 34,156,843,279 health and I'm hitting for 752,325,797 it's hard to make heads or tails of the numbers showing up. Is there any plans for an option to simplify numbers? A mob can have 34.1B (billion) hit points or I could hit for 752M (million).

Quoting from Kevin's post below:

We aren’t currently planning a stat squish or a change to damage numbers display though both have been discussed. This is something that we monitor.

Any Plans to change some of the Paragon Stats? for example Gold find or thinks like maximum mana are kind of worthless in my opinion

Maximum max resource is useful for Hammer of the Ancients build!

To answer your question - we have no plans to change some of the paragon stats.

How many energy drinks were harmed in the making of this patch?

I drink 2 coffees, 1 red bull, and 2 diet cokes every single day. My pre-workout also has 135mg of caffeine.

I have been told that I should consider cutting back.

Is there any reason that DoTs don't take into account attack speed at this point? It seems unreasonable that your damage over time skills are actually hurt by choosing a faster attacking weapon and basically rules out using dots like blizzard and locust swarm if not using a 2hander.

This is intentional. We don't feel that Attack Speed needs to be the best stat in all situations. Using a slower weapon that hits hard is intended to be an alternative.

Also note that when it comes to casting a spell like Haunt, attack speed does let you cast Haunts more often - so allowing Haunt to also benefit from attack speed rolled into it's damage would essentially amount to double-dipping.

Do you have any plans to scale the Elites HP compare to champions? It's so much easier to kill a blue pack ( champions ) than a yellow one.

It is frequently but not always true that blue packs are harder than yellows. We don't intend to do a full pass on equalizing HP as we are fine with it this way and the affixes or particular monster combinations have given it enough variety.

Currently there are a few classes that can mix sets getting 6 pieces of 1 and 4 pieces of another, is this something you want to see more of or is it something that you'd rather not happen more often?

We gave the 5 legacy class sets a 7th piece because they all included a weapon, which is a very powerful item slot as far as legendary powers go.

We didn't feel that adding a 7th piece was needed for the other 6pc sets.

Is there a murloc Level? My friend Tommy says that if you spin around every area and pick every shrine in certain order on torment X, you unlock Torment XXX where you can enter the murloc level. But that won't happen unless you beat the game on seasonal hardcore with only starting items on torment X.

Tommy sounds great.

Will diablo have a lot of stuff to show in blizzcon?

We are focusing on 2.3 today but we are looking forward to Blizzcon, too. Stay tuned!

So it seems there are some game files where Malthael absorbs the power of Mephisto and Baal, as well as Diablo. For instance, there are these sound files , and there are particle effects for Baal and Mephisto attacks. Are you able to tell us anything about this alternate version of the Malthael fight that didn't come to be? That is, what would've happened, and/or why didn't that version make the final cut? I think it'd be fun to see our old pals Mephisto and Baal outside of the Prime Evil again - it's been a while. :)

One of the ideas we experimented with for the Malthael fight was that he would randomly use powers based on Mephisto, Baal and Diablo.

We tried this out but we felt that the flow of the fight didn't work as well and we ended up focusing on the fight that you know now.

I think John plays in his sleep.

To be clear I don't literally play in my sleep.

I have however farmed my face off the most on the team and am at around Paragon 840.

Favourite item?

I still love the re-worked Nagelring. I don't know about you - but I call those little guys my Banelings, and I cheer every time I see them run off and blow up.

Are there plans on adding purchasable cosmetic items, such as pets, portraits, wings, etc.? I ask because it seems like the new wardrobe screen seems to be a lot bigger than necessary for one or two pets/wings.

There are a lot of different factors that go into decisions like this, including various regional or local market considerations. We know that some of these features would be ones that players in several regions might enjoy, but we don't currently have plans to support these in other regions.

That said - I love that there is room for lots of pets, wings and portrait frames. I hope we'll be able to use this system for various rewards. For example many of you may have seen that you can earn a unique Heroes of the Storm Portrait Frame and Pennant for reaching account level 12 in Heroes. There's also the Season Journey rewards with the Frost Hound pet and the cool new Portrait Frames. (I just got my Slayer in Hardcore last night, working on Destroyer next!)

/u/BlizzRichieMarella what has been your favorite model to work on in Diablo?

My favorite model to work on is the Unhallowed Essence set for the Demonhunter. I play a lot of this class and it was really fun and satisfying to complete the set I worked on.

If we could go back in time to the launch of Diablo 3 what would you guys have done differently than you actually did?

We would have a long public beta and I think a ton of issues would have been found before launch.
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