From someone who only plays FIFA, COD and Forza ill still only get the Xbox One then maybe the PS4 later on. I can't stand the Ps4 controllers so could never solely game on one. Like I said early the Xbox was always going to be more expensive do to kinect.
Some great news for the vita too in all that.
Will end up with both but Sony just caned ms so bad, hopefully PS4 is more popular than Xbox in UK
You don't need to have used one to look at it and see they've gone with a very similar design. If you liked 360 controller more than ps3 then in all probability you'll like One controller more than PS4.
I can't stand the Ps4 controllers so could never solely game on one.
You haven't even held one yet, give it a chance.
Oh I will but I can pretty much bet my bottom dollar it'll be the same as the rest.
The PS4 controller looks slightly bigger so it should suit bigger hands better, if that was really every an issue.Oh I will but I can pretty much bet my bottom dollar it'll be the same as the rest.
Destiny is my pick from everything, could potentially be epic