*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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Not in the initial release later this year, but it is planned as dlc in around 12-18 months time I think.

Walking around your ship / other ships / space stations is also going to be another dlc add-on.
Will you be able to fly down to look at planets in this?

As MoodyB says, it's planned as a future DLC. They want to do it so it's "properly done". ie: So there a reason to fly down there other than some pretty clouds and ground. David Braben has implied he want there to be animals and plants down there etc. He's even mentioned (& this is doing into the first person aspect of the game too) things like going down to a planet to big game hunt etc.

But at this stage there's no real confirmed information other than they want to do it in the future, and "do it right!"

If we consider what was done with Frontier all those years ago, at the very least it's going to be very immerse & beautiful I suspect :) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc9o_ldmlVs&t=1m12s
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The Kickstarter I thought started off poor and I didn't hold much hope at all for this. However, I am very pleased to say they have proved me wrong - very wrong. This game flies so much better than Star Citizen - much more engaging and you actually feel like you are flying not just a turret.

Really good game and I am really looking forward to how they go they progress with this.
The Kickstarter I thought started off poor and I didn't hold much hope at all for this. However, I am very pleased to say they have proved me wrong - very wrong. This game flies so much better than Star Citizen - much more engaging and you actually feel like you are flying not just a turret.

Really good game and I am really looking forward to how they go they progress with this.

What's your feeling of the core game mechanics of flying around, trading, and doing bounty hunting etc.

I guess it's a shame all the mission based stuff still isn't available to give a better insight into this, because that could make/break the game to a large degree I guess. eg: In Frontier the mission system (if I recall) quickly got dull, and was pretty bug ridden too if I recall.
What's your feeling of the core game mechanics of flying around, trading, and doing bounty hunting etc.

Your not asking me, but here we go anyway...

Flying about is excellent after you get used to it. The ships have weight, they feel powerful. The sound effects are brilliant and really enhance the flight model. Dogfighting is very intense and there's a lot of depth to the flight model which helps keep your attention. Its very impressive indeed and is testament to the effort that has gone into making the flight model as good as it is.

Trading is currently broken - well, its not broken, its down to the sheer numbers of players and the limited number of systems that as time has gone on has saturated the market and normalised all the system prices. I think they have been testing the trading model to see when this is achieved to be honest, which they have done. Anyway at the moment there is virtually no profit to be made.

Bounty hunting is pretty much scenario based vs NPC's at the moment. There are a few players who have been player hunting and therefore carry a bounty, but chances are they are the ones tooled up with gimbled uber-weapons and mirrored armour so good luck shooting them down :)

Anyway the full player driven bounty system is not yet implemented.
Your not asking me, but here we go anyway...

Thanks for saving me the job! I agree with what you've put there.

I think to quantify it when I am in Star Citizen I feel like I am aiming to shoot down enemies. In Elite Dangerous I feel like I am outflying them. It just feels more well fun. Still glad I got both though! I expect them both to rock.
Star citizen feels like it's trying to do to much in to short a time and missing out the important parts(i'm sure it'll improve massively in the course of alphas/betas), which elite is nailing from the start. Elite will get pretty much everything that SC will, it'll just be in DC meaning they can do it properly.

Starting to wish I just got the minimum package on SC and a higher tire on elite, instead I did it the other way around.
Elite has focus and direction i think. They want many of the same things in the end game, but elite I believe has a much clearer and more focused road ahead.

SC appears to be jumping onto things at random and attempting too much at once.

Both will be excellent. But ED at this stage is seeing big gains from its development approach.
Yes, I also think that Elite has a tighter focus on what it's trying to achieve, and isn't trying to do everything at once as SC is, but to be fair ED is further along the development cycle than SC. It should look and play better, because it's closer to release. Braben had the sense not to try and do everything in the public eye from the beginning.
I don't think ED looks better it isn't even close for me but I've got **** eyesight so I am maybe not the best to ask on this one! It looks good enough anyway - more than enough to do the job.
Glad of the last couple of posts, I am somewhat on the fence on whether to go with Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous. But Elite Dangerous seems more likely to allow me to reprise my Trader role I had in Earth and Beyond before EA canned it.

Are the specifications for the game pretty intense? I hear Star Citizen requires a pretty meaty PC and I feel my little laptop will not cut the mustard on either. I more than likely upgrade end of the year but wouldn't mind getting my hands on the game now. If I am able to play ED, what package is a good start?
Is there any way to meet up with friends on this?

Or is it chance based?

Can I in the EU play with a friend from the US?

From what they've said everyone will ostensibly be on the same server but unlike eve online busy areas will start to be instanced as the player load climbs but the game will try to put friends in the same instance. In less busy areas you will always be in the same instance as friends.

I believe their long term goal if they are still working towards it is to make the multiplayer scopable so you could be in the mood just to play with a few friends or want to play with any and all random players as well.
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