*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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Well after 90 minutes of supercruise play in/out to re-instance the zones me and my mate found it impossible to meet. That is the one thing I'd like this game to have right now, a way to simply join someone's instance, it would improve the game hugely even in this very early stage.

I know eventually it will work of course, it needs to, but was just curious if there is anything you can do right now to facilitate wingman style play.
Played with the X55 Rhino for the first time last night. Wish I brought one earlier as it feels a completely different game now, the xbox controller just wasn't doing it for me.
I know eventually it will work of course, it needs to, but was just curious if there is anything you can do right now to facilitate wingman style play.

Well first you need to try and get on the same server - when you start the game it says the IP of the server you are on. So the first player joins a server and lets his mate know what server they are on. The mate then keeps restarting the game until he/she gets connected to the same server. Then you need to pick a destination and one of you needs to instance hop until you land in the same instance. Note if either of you go into supercruise its likely you will loose instances and have to start all over again.

In the full game you will be able to team up and remain in the same instance all the time. You can slave your supercruise and hyperspace so you SC/HS together etc and land in the same instance.

You will be able to make your instance private, or open to all, invite people into your group etc etc.

Its just not been implemented yet so its a bit of a faff.
Thanks LT. Obviously the game will work eventually. And his is clearly a very early stage but with it being an MP beta I was curious if there was a way. The server IP is what I was missing! Being on different ends of the planet is there even a chance we could get together? EU and US? I'm doubting it.
I thought all the beta servers are in the UK but I could be wrong (there are three of them I think) - FD have offices in Canada so maybe they have a server over that side of the pond? I'll be interested to know if you can get it to work!
Thanks LT. Obviously the game will work eventually. And his is clearly a very early stage but with it being an MP beta I was curious if there was a way. The server IP is what I was missing! Being on different ends of the planet is there even a chance we could get together? EU and US? I'm doubting it.

First question
You are all on the same servers now, but the players get arbitrarily split into islands. Matchmaking and friends lists are coming in the summer.
Don't know if its already been mentioned, I've just spotted a newsletter which mentions the next stage of the beta will begin on 24th June... really looking forwards to more stuff to play with.
Got my X55 today! Plugged in, not looking forward to the daunting task of key binding. Has an X55 preset which appears to be entirely perfect already! WIN

Needs some practice though, the game and the external software lable the buttons differently so its really hard to know what does what! most of the obvious controls are obvious just need to play with some of the less obvious things, and also i keep randomly finding extra buttons i didnt realise were there!

This is a really nice change over just a stick without throttle, and the additional hat switches and triggers make a huge difference! Already flying just makes more sense!

Really not looking forward to binding DCS A10C and ArmA3 to the stick... thats a tomorrow job!
Got my X55 today! Plugged in, not looking forward to the daunting task of key binding. Has an X55 preset which appears to be entirely perfect already! WIN

Needs some practice though, the game and the external software lable the buttons differently so its really hard to know what does what! most of the obvious controls are obvious just need to play with some of the less obvious things, and also i keep randomly finding extra buttons i didnt realise were there!

This is a really nice change over just a stick without throttle, and the additional hat switches and triggers make a huge difference! Already flying just makes more sense!

Really not looking forward to binding DCS A10C and ArmA3 to the stick... thats a tomorrow job!

Use this to print a copy of what you have bound where,very useful for x55 owners!

Folded and bought premium beta tonight and X55, dear god I better love this game as much as I did the original and sequel or I've just spent £260 on a game.
Folded and bought premium beta tonight and X55, dear god I better love this game as much as I did the original and sequel or I've just spent £260 on a game.

Yeah when did that become a thing, spending hundreds of squid on a game? I swear it was only yesterday I was considering the budget section of Game, now i've dropped £300 on two games. I thought Steam was making games cheaper ;)
Think I'm going to get Premium Beta at the end of the month when I get paid. This game looks amazing and I loved the original.

Anybody use a Thrustmaster Warthog with this?
It's only going to get worse. This game is crying out for an oculus rift....

Very true, simulators are the only game type that really sells Oculus to me. the idea of being sat play with a HOTAS a Oculus and headset on really does sound great...... Right up till the wife shoves a kitchen knife between my shoulder blades for ignoring her and spending too much money on stupid games.
lost my first fight with the X55, bad throttle management and i got chewed up. couldnt lose the enemy.

after getting a new ship i chewed through 15 bad dudes without taking any hull damage. I also did the most amazing station dock ever, the entire thing was 1 smooth fluid motion from docking request to land, no correction on landing, looked fricking elite!

While the Rift is amazing and I will get one, I'm happy to wait for the top end versions, 4k screens and such, for now trackIR, and the X55 HOTAS are fine.

Saitek combat pedals next perhaps... OCUK need to stock them!
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