*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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I wish they'd fix the double scans, don't think I've ever had as many happen as I did last night, easily 60% of what I scanned last night needed doing twice, so much time needlessly wasted. Gave up in the end. :(

They really should just bin Powerplay and fix the stuff that's already broken in the game, now all that will happen is they will concentrate solely on trying to make Powerplay popular/viable/workable/have a point/remotely fun/non-grindy and everything else that desperately needs sorting out will go on the back burner.
To properly repair yes...

But if one system (say thrusters) is at 0%, you can reboot & repair on the right hand functions menu.
Will sometimes give it 1~2%, enough to get you moving again.

Cheers, I'll take a look at that later, might be able to get an hour in tonight..
Considering the time they take to find, the payout for discovering earth-like planets is pathetic, we should get several million at least for how rare and valuable they are.
Is this just discovering, or full in-depth detailed scans you're doing?
I'd expect the latter to pay far more, as you coming back with immediately usable data, rather than just your name stamped on a set of coordinates...

Finding my first earth like was great - no lights on the dark side though !
I should jolly-well hope not too, being a hitherto undiscovered world!!
Would be a bit silly if you've only just found it, yet there are settlements already there... unless you've just ignorantly wandered up to the Thargoid homeworld and probed them - In which case, thanks for starting the war!! :D

i have flown around for about 3 hours, lost my 1000 credits in fines and not a clue what to do really.
Start behaving yourself, perhaps? :D

Nah, in all seriousness, it happens to a lot of us. Part of the learning curve.
Generally you only make that mistake once.
I notice now that on approach to stations, I get a warning that I'm 'SPEEDING'... Wonder when the SpaceGATSO will start flashing me!!

If you've lost everything, your two basic options are to try and earn cash back with some missions, or to restart/self-destruct and begin again with a fresh ship and 1000Cr.
I advocate spending time just messing around in your Sidewinder, seeing what things do and how it all works, because if you stuff it up royally you can still restart right back where you were with what you initially had and not really lose anything.

It's when you get to spend hours making six million credits, but then lose it all in ship replacement fees of 800,000Cr a go, because you're tired and keep making stupid mistakes! :D
Is this just discovering, or full in-depth detailed scans you're doing?
I'd expect the latter to pay far more, as you coming back with immediately usable data, rather than just your name stamped on a set of coordinates...

Detailed surface scan. 30k+ for discovering an ultra rare earth like planet that you would think future humans would be pretty interested in but it's only worth a little more than scanning one of the billions of useless neutron stars.
Is that all you get for an earth like? Geeez... surely that should be a premium payout well into the triple figure range, more like 500k in my eyes.
Is that all you get for an earth like? Geeez... surely that should be a premium payout well into the triple figure range, more like 500k in my eyes.
Started jump procedure and set throttle to zero; alt-tabbed out and read this post; alt-tabbed back in-game and activated discovery scanner only to find a ringed Earth-like orbiting a neutron star! Strange chain of events.

And needless to say, I agree that Earth-likes should payout way more than they do.
I have 2 class E beam lasers. After using them for a bit they seem to be unusable (thermal overload) Is there a timer or something when i can use them again? (not talking about overheating as you can see from the bar when they are usable)

A tad annoying as i have more than enough power to use them :confused:

There seems to be some info on the right hand side menu but not sure :confused:
Been playing it a bit on the Xbox One tonight. It needs a fair bit of optimisation as its a little sluggish in places, but its not bad at all. New controller scheme is quite intuitive and I wonder whether they will bring it as an option to the PC.
Been playing it a bit on the Xbox One tonight. It needs a fair bit of optimisation as its a little sluggish in places, but its not bad at all. New controller scheme is quite intuitive and I wonder whether they will bring it as an option to the PC.

It is indeed coming to the PC and Mac versions at some point.
I have 2 class E beam lasers. After using them for a bit they seem to be unusable (thermal overload) Is there a timer or something when i can use them again? (not talking about overheating as you can see from the bar when they are usable)

A tad annoying as i have more than enough power to use them :confused:

There seems to be some info on the right hand side menu but not sure :confused:

They should cool again. On your HUD, where it says Beam Laser, there will be an orange bar below the text. As you fire, it depletes. When you stop firing, it should refill. However, I believe this is controlled by the number of pips you have in WEP. If it is zero, you won't be able to fire again, IIRC. I haven't played for a while so I don't know if I'm fully correct there, however.
Fella's. I'm 43, don't have much time to play games this day and age, but i do remember being a kid in my bedroom playing Elite and saying to myself OMG, this is the best game ever !!!!

Let me cut to the chase and I apologise that I've not read one single post in this 374 page thread.

Is this game worth getting ? PC is a 2600k /w 7950 8GB ram.
Let me cut to the chase and I apologise that I've not read one single post in this 374 page thread.

Is this game worth getting ?
I can only speak for myself, but for me the answer is a definite yes; I've played little else since I bought this game at Christmas, and have definitely got my money's worth (and then some).
Lots of unhappy pc players on the ed forums and the reason......xbox owners are getting the pvp arena first , looks dam good !


The main concern on the forums (and myself included) is not the CQC (console geared thing really) its the principal that the Xbox is now getting exclusivity (Microsoft paid huge sums) when Braban has always said the PC is their main platform to support.

Not to mention the amount of bugs in the game, even from 1.3 alone (which was stupidly rushed out)

I do like playing elite, but for me FDev decision making and complete lack of comms is starting to wear thin for a lot of people now.
The main concern on the forums (and myself included) is not the CQC (console geared thing really) its the principal that the Xbox is now getting exclusivity (Microsoft paid huge sums) when Braban has always said the PC is their main platform to support.

Not to mention the amount of bugs in the game, even from 1.3 alone (which was stupidly rushed out)

I do like playing elite, but for me FDev decision making and complete lack of comms is starting to wear thin for a lot of people now.

Yea I agree. The PC gamers funded the game's development in the first place and now they are being **** on. They should at least finish what they started before taking backhanders from Microsoft.

The core game still isn't finished and some things which were referred to as "placeholders" in alpha are STILL there. Many things are still scripted and rigid, theres no fully evolving or dynamic galaxy yet either. Nor is there any word on the first expansion which was supposed to be out by the end of the year.
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