Mug finally here, should really have made it black.
Design wise, nothing much of controversy lately.
You will be able to hyperdrive directly out of combat - if you are able to charge it up
You can adjust shields between fore and aft
Using shields and weapons will drain ship power and effect hyperdrive charging
Different weapon types will have different strengths and weaknesses
Star Map will be Awesome and huge
You can have multiple ships
There will be a hardcore mode (if you die you get booted back to normal mode)
Original Elite style jump drive replaces E2 style time compression for in system travel
Various factions/reputations having effects on missions, prices etc
The Elite reputation is in effect replaced with individual reputations based on your trade/bounty hunting/combat/exploring (and host of others) performance
You will be able to dock with other player ships to trade goods
The galaxy will evolve, based on both PC and NPC actions in game