*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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I think most people seem to be unhappy with it. What happens when you lose your ship was quite divisive in the discussion thread, but it's like they've completed ignored everyone and chosen something that doesn't really please anyone.

This was always going to happen, and hence one of the reasons I didnt go for the "decision making" pledge.

By the way where is the discussion re: the death scenarios on the private backers forum?
I think most people seem to be unhappy with it. What happens when you lose your ship was quite divisive in the discussion thread, but it's like they've completed ignored everyone and chosen something that doesn't really please anyone.
I'm not keen on the idea of two-tier gameplay.

Still, there's nothing to say that the current proposal won't be rejected. Between now and the alpha, it'll have to be designed, implemented and internally tested, and during any of those phases it may change. Braben might veto the idea.

What I don't like about the DDF at the moment is what I knew would happen: there are a few very vocal posters who reply to almost every post and are swamping the discussion threads. I think a better model would be to have a thread for a discussion, and a separate thread for proposals, limited to one post per user.
My preference is also one or two posts per user for the proposal each week. I visited the DDF today to see what this weeks topic was and there are 996 replies already. I don't have time to read through much of it and suspect all of my suggestions will have already been said somewhere, and possibly already answered by one of the devs. I'm feeling quite disillusioned with the forums in general at the moment, although thankfully it's still early days.

I'm in two minds about the casual and hardcore split. I'm all for hardcore mode but don't want to be excluded from playing with a significant portion of players.
Quite impressed with the newsletters they send out - there's obviously a LOT of thought going into this game, more than I could muster :)

Mug finally here, should really have made it black.

Design wise, nothing much of controversy lately.

You will be able to hyperdrive directly out of combat - if you are able to charge it up
You can adjust shields between fore and aft
Using shields and weapons will drain ship power and effect hyperdrive charging
Different weapon types will have different strengths and weaknesses
Star Map will be Awesome and huge
You can have multiple ships
There will be a hardcore mode (if you die you get booted back to normal mode)
Original Elite style jump drive replaces E2 style time compression for in system travel
Various factions/reputations having effects on missions, prices etc
The Elite reputation is in effect replaced with individual reputations based on your trade/bounty hunting/combat/exploring (and host of others) performance
You will be able to dock with other player ships to trade goods
The galaxy will evolve, based on both PC and NPC actions in game
As an initial impression I think they are making some good calls on the gameplay mechanics - seem to be getting a good balance between getting people into the game in the first place while still making it uncompromising to master.

Things are beginning to get fleshed out now and the DDF is ticking along without too much controversial game design decisions seemingly being made.
Yep, I'm loving the way this is heading.

Also I'm not worried about the big backers. I can't see them ditching the deisgn forum or going back. The backers will kno about kickstarter and how it's irked so far. Some people seem to be getting their nickers knotted.

No artificial gravity is brilliant as well. It's just an easy get out clause. If you want gravity you have to use centrifugal force.
I was pleased to see that pretty much universally between DDF members down to just the regular forum members wanted the game to be full PvP.
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