I had a lovely reminder this week of how much backing a Kickstarter project can bring rewards you don't expect... Back in 1985 when Elite was released on the C64 I used to rush home from school to eagerly play it on the family TV. It was my first ever true gaming addiction that was only beaten when I discovered Quake online gaming many years later. My dad used to watch me for hours and I have some enduring memories of that time. Sadly in 2003 he died but a fitting tribute struck me this week. As a Kickstarter backer I had named one of the NPC characters in Elite: Dangerous. So I just asked them to change the NPC character name to my late fathers, which they have done.
So for a relatively small original Kickstarter backing my dad's name will forever exist in this game. My 7 year old son will likely play it with me, just like my father watched me play. While I doubt I'll ever come across my NPC in the game it's nice to know that my dad's name will be out there while his grandson, that he never knew, will be playing it with me.
Without backing a Kickstarter game that wouldn't have been possible