Woah so hold on, you cant just upgrade your old pledge by £50 to get the Alpha?
You have to shell out £200?
To be fair to Frontier they did give backers loads of warning that the old backer portal would be closed (6th December) and the new store put in place. Any upgrades to Alpha should have been done before then. I decided not to at the time, and am only kicking myself because the Alpha looks so good.
I decided I'd rather play something that was more complete and like the finished game so stuck with the first round of beta which should be early next year.
any reports on how it runs on an X52 and with trackir?
Gave it a quick blast, got to the silent running scenario and trying to get my head round it.
Cranked the res up to 2560x1600, but it's noticeably chunky so hopefully it's early days, gameplay is very smooth though.
Tried playing with a mouse first and couldn't make much of it, swapped to a Saitek FLY5 and it's way better.
Runs fine with max detail at 2560x1600 a 3770K @ 4.8GHz + a 780GTX.What spec PC do you have and what res seems to run ok?