The Official FIFA 12 Club(11v11)

yea i hope swede and phil re-consider. i dunno where all these new players come from and it seemed to have ****ed off a lot of people. this is why i implemented a "1 new player per week" rule. i know last week i recruited 3-4 new players but that had to be done as many people left previously.
About swede. it was only 15mins before i posted that list of players that he said he is happy at playing with us but may consider joining phil and doomer if they both leave :(

not much to add to TNA's post. it seems that both Doomer and TNA recruited loads of people and ironic thing is that Doomer you said we have too many players yet you are half responsible for that(by recruiting your mates) and when we had a chat i thought i was TNA who recruited all lol.

TNA is right. we cant have a small team otherwise whats the point? we had a very small team when matty and co left and can you remind me how many games we played together?

i then went on to recruit 4 new people(two that are active) and clubs began to be become more active again. All it takes is 2-3 active people to be online for the rest of us to follow and get a decent game on.

Like TNA i CANT be on manageing 24/7. its impossible. we have a life. that is why TNA made multiple managers so there is at least one manager around.

Anyways if phil and doomer and stok really are going to leave, then its back to the drawing board of finding new players.

Infact, im gunna start the ball rolling TNA if u dont mind. do the same. lets look for at least one or two new player just incase these lot leave.

phil and doomer, you dont realise how much we have listened to your views and opinions and worked on putting them into practise and your going to leave us?

before phil and doomer joined, me and TNA were A LOT more relaxed in our rules but we have become more strict for the benefit of phil and doomers advice and our repayment is that they thinking of leaving us :(
i must get back to mumble :) enjoyed the banter and all the moaning and swearing come from u sweede lol. everytime i see u make a mistake i imagine u shouting and swearing lol
Good to know lads. from now on we should tell newcommers NOT to start a game amongst themselves without at least one of the senior/active players on as last night, both funkey and some other new guy played together amongst themselves against a team of 6 people and lost badly
fantastic results tonight, not a single loss and all was on mumble!

regarding gugu, TNA, is he good or not? has he been told where his going wrong and been given the chance to improve? if not then maybe you should have a word with him and maybe, just maybe let him back in if he listen's has he will know now we dont **** around here :)

IMO everyone should be on mumble at least listening to the chat and banter. but as you say TNA, if it does distract you then fair enough mate :)

edit: just spoke to gugu2903, he doesnt wanna come back
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I know we need to a mumble server but don't like the way you just expect me/doom to get one lol as we've just been using other peoples ourselves. Gtfo one should be back up shortly, I know not the best as you have to register but makes it more secure.

I thought ocuk had one as I've joined this in the past? Didn't think you had to be member of the forum but if your in the club would expect you would be anyway.

we can use ocuk but is it not full of bf3 players lol. never been on it. lets try tonight?
defo. i think for all newcommers they must be in mumble else no trial. this is for us to speak to them and tell then whats what etc.

We can also see if he fits in with our banter :)
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