The Official FIFA 12 Club(11v11)

I'm in. long time FIFA player on console now moved to pc.
can play anywhere cm/ forward preferred.

steam: s0802584

need to check my origin
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I've updated the post to reflect peoples details.

Anyone else wishing to join simply copy,edit and paste this in your post

[*]ForumName(Steam = "", Origin = "" ).

About one touch passing, i have only implemented that rule to get peoples mindset to able to pass the ball quickly instead of hogging the ball. Of course you can take a touch or two or even hold the ball for long if your trying to slow down the play helping us defend the lead and trying to draw a foul. Its all common sense but these rules are here just as a reminder really. It will take us a while to gel but so long as we stay in positons and roate/share postions and try to pass the ball quick. we will all be fine and enjoy ourselves.

Trust me lads. this game mode is revolutionary in the footballing gaming world. as revolutionary as the first 1v1 local MP game you could play.
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Looks like the team is coming along nicely, Oh I forgot to say what posistion I like to play, Defensive Midfield, or deep playmaker, I get more enjoyment out of executing the perfect thru ball or that last minute tackle, So I guess I'm a "Pirlo" lol

Failing any of that I'll play anywhere... :P

Best Thing is I'll be playing on Nvidia surround and if it's anything like Fifa 11 I'll be able to see the whole pitch so get into space and I'll see the pass..
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Also i think its ideal we use Teamspeak as well to communicate during a match. does OCUK have a teamspeak server?

I don't generally use this as most non-Scot's don't understand my deep Scottish voice ;/

Best Thing is I'll be playing on Nvidia surround and if it's anything like Fifa 11 I'll be able to see the whole pitch so get into space and I'll see the pass..

:D :D

is this game playable using my specs ( in sig ) + 5570 low profile card and a 720p plasma ?

Should be, download the demo and check :
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I'd love to join. I really like online team play and always play it properly.

ocuk name: SoAdCrAzY
Steam : soadcrazy
Origin: SoAdCrAzY123
nice one lads. looks like we good number of players so far. need more though. what times do u guys normaly are free to play games? me? 9pm-11pm weekdays
I've got some questions about this. What is the camera angle, the same as normal or does it go like the camera when you control the keeper? Also do you need a microphone to play?
I've got some questions about this. What is the camera angle, the same as normal or does it go like the camera when you control the keeper? Also do you need a microphone to play?

you can change your camera to whatever you like. You dont necesarily need a mic but it will be handy!
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