hey tim sorry i didnt respond to the invite the other night thing is i was just about to go and also yet again the kids drubbed me to the point i rage sold my team so didnt have anyone to play ya lol
kids have really done me head in im only down to about 200k in coins but just cant seem to build a team to beat them the squad they have is pretty good
neuer,if naldo,subotic,lahm,bednar,if kagawa,if muller,sweinsteiger,ROBBEN,ribery and if reus
its robben i cant seem to stop they have all the skills with him and stuff and hes just unplayable ffs
going bk to my old prem team i think
first time with ut for me but ive learnt some lessons
think i will do a robert when 13 comes out and spend about 100 quid plus opening packs on the first day as players always sell for loads
then ill just leave it for a month or so then go bk to playing when market has settled that way i wont buy any packs during the year....................bought way to many this year and only end up wasting them buy opening more packs with coins lol