Here's the deal.
This topic will soon cease to exist on this forum, for the sake of the collective sanity of people who post here.
First though, you have a chance to ask some questions on the subject, I will do what I can to get them answered for you.
The terms of this deal is not up for discussion, it's a take it or leave it kinda thing.
So far:
"How does morale effect players on UT, for example if I have a 90 rated player on 50 morale will he still play like a 90 rated player or are their in-game mechanics/stats which make my player play like a lower rated player, if so what are these mechanics/stats and why has this been implemented? "
"What causes some players to be out-paced/jumped/etc by lower statted opponent players"
"Are there sliders for each player? If so, what are the conditions that make it go down/up"
"What could cause my players to feel worse when playing versus a lower rated team"
"Why are there a disproportionate amount of goals scored at 45/90"
"How does chemistry affect performance - is it %age change in stats or something else"
"What could cause an IF player to be worse than their NIF version"
"Why are H2H and FUT different" + "Why is it easier to score in UT"
"Is still part of the game"
"What could cause AI to change behaviour - eg how hard defenders press"
"If custom formations and work rates are used, is the original chemistry affected"
"How does chemistry affect goalkeepers"
"What could cause the game to not allow for highlighting of players at certain times - eg manually switching to a defender"
"Does having a low rated bench affect the way the starting 11 play"
"What decides which player wins a 50/50 challenge"
"Can high dribbling stats negatively affect a players' pace on the ball due to more frequent touches"
"Do custom work rates work in UT?"