***** The Official Fifa 12 Thread *****

From what I know of you, he might be your style, but very fragile.

You around for games tonight?

Haven't got a main team at the moment so probably not, unless you want to play my Mexi-Silvers?

Think I'm going to go 4-1-2-1-2 instead, just can't get my head around playing with 3 at the back even though I know the 2 CDM's drop back to help. Was thinking this: http://www.futhead.com/12/squad/1242973. No idea if Arbeloa is any good. Obvious choice is Dani Alves but I don't particularly want my RB bombing off on runs all the time.
Looks good, but Messi is Wasted on the left..

Try & get Pepe/IF Pepe in there, maybe IF Iraola for RB? doesn't go too far and is a bit of a beast...

Will try the Mexi-silvers, sure... :)
I used Ramos, Pepe and Perea when I had a 3 at the back. As you asked for CBs I discounted Ramos as too many on here are too scared not to have 9 chem for some reason :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
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