***** The Official Fifa 12 Thread *****

TD24 how on earth ahve you managed to get that much coins? Buying a lot of packs with real money?

pretty much, as i mentioned before i have pulled some decent profit players over the last 2 months, dani alves, xavi, torres, maicon x2, david silva, thiago silva, fabragas.
just felt tonight im a bit fed up of mixing and matching and wanted something different

seeing as i already have a lot of serie a players ive sold everyone apart from my 4-5-1 cheap handicap bpl team

and im adding to my serie to give me complete ac milan and inter milan teams minus ibra for now lol

just feel i needed a change and it will be nice to play with a proper team againt friends intead of bits from one and another

andy and tim ive got you both on xbox ill be on later as i can see the misus nodding off now so wont be long before she fast asleep lol

also someone else has added me but dont know who it is lol ---markallf

also stewy add me mate
I think I'm actually going to die before Tim comes back.

EDIT: Right on cue, he comes back and msgs me on MSN :D

And disappeared just as quick :(
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Shocked at how much AOC's price has come down. When I bought him near the start he was around 30,000, now I just picked him up for 7. Great player and for some reason he actually feels much better to use than Walcott. :)
Double or quits!

So if I win, I get 20K, if you win, it's quits and no one owes anything :D!

(I really need to win and I bet it'll be the one of 5 or more that I don't)

And I was right, he did.

Team felt like a bunch of OAPs.

Should feel bad for taking the 20k away from me on my birthday Tim.
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