***** The Official Fifa 12 Thread *****

GG Tim, thought I might have sneaked an equaliser in the last minute but ended up smacking it with Remy rather than a finesse shot.
NEVER builing a quick team for the lulz again :(

------------ Reina -------------
Walker - Richards - Luiz - Marcelo
IF Carrick - Y Toure - SIF Ramires
---------- IF Berbatov ----------
-- Sturridge ---------- Torres --

Looked good on paper but was utter pap! They're all going! ALL OF THEM!! (Aside form SIF Ramires who is in the main squad...)
GG Tim, thought I might have sneaked an equaliser in the last minute but ended up smacking it with Remy rather than a finesse shot.

Yeah, gg mate!

Lucky at the end with Marcelo sliding in and taking one for the team....in the face! :D

Good close match though, loved Pato going up for a header near the start and braining one of your defenders :D
Went to bits there Tim, for some reason my EPL team isn't clicking. Lampard seems to not even be on the pitch and does not play well next to Toure
Sorry about that one mate! For a start your team was really piling on the pressure then things just seemed to open up, had to love Heskey's goal though!!! :D
also chaps i have seen a few posts here of people would like to do a league

well although i work shifts i really dont mind running it with a little help have dome a couple in the past on other forums

if we could get at least 10 players we could have a league and also a cup knockout alongside it .

sure we wouldhave to discuss teams and so on but lets see if we get interest first
lol why didnt i do just one big post

been wheeling and dealing in my new quest of building whole teams with coinage i got

so far managed to get

milan -ibra

half of spurs lol

completed liverpool - gerrard tonight actually they look quite decent big prob is there is no one who is quick on the right kuyt is like stupidly slow

but to my suprise managed to pick up a inform bellamy lm for a 12750 bin im sure thats a good price even a quick sell would net me 10k coins
Hmm..SIF FaiCow? :o

Hilly, I need another beating from you at some point! :(

Tempted to do an EPL/Hybrid 4-3-1-2 but hmm..I dunno..wanna try IF Nocerino & IF Berbatov at CF!

I think I'm online tonight mate if you are? Generally it's a late night thing, post 11.
Which one of you is Witor then? I forget :P

Was rocking the Nigerian team, but their CBs are atrocious, so it's now an African team with Kolo and IF Samba in defence.

That would be me. Good games man, my defending was haphazard to say the least. As for my finishing.... :)
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