*** The Official FIFA 13 Thread ***

Yay! :)

Ok rang Amazon as mine is still saying "Dispatching Soon", she told me it had been loaded onto a truck and is 100% guaranteed to be delivered to me tomorrow.

If it isn't I'll grab a copy on way home and cancel/return the Amazon copy. I knew I should have gone ShopTo..
Parker and Xavi lucky *****!!!! My copy from hut.com for £19.99 turned up, walked in and there it was on the doormat. In fut Cleverly is pretty boss at cam picked up Clint Dempsey to play on the left he's pretty good.
Just got into div 1 after my third attempt. Lost my first 3 games as well. 5-1-4.

16 points. Only needed 1 more point to win the division. :(
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Ok rang Amazon as mine is still saying "Dispatching Soon", she told me it had been loaded onto a truck and is 100% guaranteed to be delivered to me tomorrow.

If it isn't I'll grab a copy on way home and cancel/return the Amazon copy. I knew I should have gone ShopTo..

Maybe mine has been dispatched as well.

I hope so because I haven't pack binged in months.

hmmm, just went from 1k to 12k. Strange. Didn't have anyone on the market and I think I only get 5-6k for being promoted.
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God damm lag is bad at the moment. I just played a h2h and it was stuttering like hell :( really bloody sucks when you get a really good play going then it just stops for like half a second and completely screws your attack up :(

meh will have a break for now just going to lose games and get frustrated as hell.
God damm lag is bad at the moment. I just played a h2h and it was stuttering like hell :( really bloody sucks when you get a really good play going then it just stops for like half a second and completely screws your attack up :(

meh will have a break for now just going to lose games and get frustrated as hell.

Been really good for me, no lag, no disconnects, not even any rage quitters. :cool:
:( maybe its my connection - I doubt it though. Last three h2h games I had I kept getting microstuttering and half second to a second lag spikes which is bloody annoying. Might try again a bit later on.

I've never understood the point of rage quitting either :p even if I am being pounded like 7-0 (which sadly has happened) I always play to the bitter end ! granted I might do stupid stuff like trying for goal at the half way line or so but still :cool:
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