Your going to get a load of players with gold teams to start with because of the early accessers and people who have splashed out on loads of premium gold packs.
My guess is it will calm down a bit over the next few days when more of the "general public" have the game so hopefully you will get paired against similar rated teams.
That said chemistry really does play a big part this year. I played a game last night with my Bronze npower league 2 team (I do have a gold team but some times I find it more fun playing with the bronze teams

). My bronze team has 100 chem and every with VH morale. I came up against a gold team that had a few good players but his chem was like 36 or something crazy low he had players in their "wrong" position etc. I dominated him ! I am by no means a really good player either

but chem really does affect your players positioning passes runs everything pretty much.