*** The Official FIFA 13 Thread ***

That's interesting. Does it mean things like first touch and passing are improved or something?

Not 100% sure on the first touch aspect. But certainly you will find if you have a high chem team passing will be really improved. Positioning to recieve passes and also getting into a decent position for through balls and lobbed through balls seem better too.

At least that has been my experience. I had a low chem team to start with and they were really really bad. Passes not stringing together position all over the shop. The min I got a high chem team my play vastly improved.

Now when I play a team with low chem a good 80% of the time I will win with my 100chem team. Theres obviously going to be exceptions because some people are just GODS at playing fifa so even if they have a low chem team some can still just run circles round you or just keep smashing shots at your goal until one gets through.

But compared to last year I think chemistry really has a big affect on FUT.
Purchased 4600 FIFA points for £24 (that's with early access discount)

Going to open about 10 packs and keep the rest for later in the week

1st pack - Vucinic, (he will go lovely in my Italian team!)
2nd pack - nothing major players wise but 2000 coins
3rd pack - Malouda and that's about it!
4th pack - Bilyaletdinov rare
Not 100% sure on the first touch aspect. But certainly you will find if you have a high chem team passing will be really improved. Positioning to recieve passes and also getting into a decent position for through balls and lobbed through balls seem better too.

At least that has been my experience. I had a low chem team to start with and they were really really bad. Passes not stringing together position all over the shop. The min I got a high chem team my play vastly improved.

Now when I play a team with low chem a good 80% of the time I will win with my 100chem team. Theres obviously going to be exceptions because some people are just GODS at playing fifa so even if they have a low chem team some can still just run circles round you or just keep smashing shots at your goal until one gets through.

But compared to last year I think chemistry really has a big affect on FUT.

Ok cool, thanks for that. Perhaps I should focus on getting a high chem bronze/silver team first then. I'm not really willing to pay money for packs so I think this may be the best way of making sure I can win some games.
Bugger think Im off to pick up FIFA 13 but also a new PS3!

ps3ud0 :cool:

damn that's a costly Fifa 13 for you!:(

Not much in the rest of my 10 packs - got podolski, given and a few others so a premiership 2nd team looks possible. Will keep the rest of my points for later in the week.
Ok cool, thanks for that. Perhaps I should focus on getting a high chem bronze/silver team first then. I'm not really willing to pay money for packs so I think this may be the best way of making sure I can win some games.

nps :) Easiest way to do so (if the auction search is still not screwed up) is to make sure when you search for players to search for your "prefered formation" so if you like playing 442, when you search for players check the formation to 442 and it will show you all the players with that prefered formation setting which helps player chem.

Team chem is from league/team/nationality. I think most people find it easier to pick a league and just search exclusivly within that league so your chem will always be fairly high. Obviously if you can match that with a nationality (which I find easiest) you get stronger links.

Of course I could have just typed all of that and you may already know all of it :p

But anyhoo :cool:
Guys as its the official release date, may I remind you to deal with the constant non-FUT questions that weve been getting - lets not slack off...


ps3ud0 :cool:
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