That's interesting. Does it mean things like first touch and passing are improved or something?
Not 100% sure on the first touch aspect. But certainly you will find if you have a high chem team passing will be really improved. Positioning to recieve passes and also getting into a decent position for through balls and lobbed through balls seem better too.
At least that has been my experience. I had a low chem team to start with and they were really really bad. Passes not stringing together position all over the shop. The min I got a high chem team my play vastly improved.
Now when I play a team with low chem a good 80% of the time I will win with my 100chem team. Theres obviously going to be exceptions because some people are just GODS at playing fifa so even if they have a low chem team some can still just run circles round you or just keep smashing shots at your goal until one gets through.
But compared to last year I think chemistry really has a big affect on FUT.
Bugger think Im off to pick up FIFA 13 but also a new PS3!
Bugger think Im off to pick up FIFA 13 but also a new PS3!
Bugger think Im off to pick up FIFA 13 but also a new PS3!
I want a replacement not a downgrade
Cheers mate Ill look into it - seems Sainsbury online are doing the FIFA 13 160Gb PS3 for £185...I think GAME are doing a PS3 with Fifa 13 for a special price.
Ok cool, thanks for that. Perhaps I should focus on getting a high chem bronze/silver team first then. I'm not really willing to pay money for packs so I think this may be the best way of making sure I can win some games.
I want a replacement not a downgrade
Cheers mate Ill look into it - seems Sainsbury online are doing the FIFA 13 160Gb PS3 for £185...
I'm trying to activate my Fifa 13 but getting error occurred during the install operation 80029701 wtf