*** The Official FIFA 13 Thread ***

Built this team with my pack binge. Not been able to play it yet though.

Bench/Reserves: Pato, Miccolo, Cassano, Vidal, Boateng, Robinho, Lucio, Samual, Giovinco, Noccerino, Marchismo, Guarín

Yup. Trying to buy some packs but it's still being really flakey. Lets me do a couple of things then throws me back to the main menu. Should be fine tomorrow evening though hopefully.

I got to see my UT team, I have one silver and a lot of pap....

It kept kicking me every time I tried to do something :mad:
I really really REALLY REALLY hate playing in the rain !!! freaking slide all over the gaff.

On the plus side I'm loving my new German 352 side :D so much fun
I got to see my UT team, I have one silver and a lot of pap....

It kept kicking me every time I tried to do something :mad:


To begin with it kept kicking me, then I finally got to see my starter team which was a bunch of League 2 unknowns and some random silver from Serie B. Discarded them all and bought a few packs, got Modric and van Persie so far.
Ok, so what I have garnered so far is never, ever, finesse. Normal (power) shots are so so much better and so much more accurate.
Can anyone recommend me a good german and/or Bundesliga LM pretty pretty please. I'm really not sure who to be hunting for :( I got about 20k. Would be willing to spend a bit on a decent LM though. But with how **** the auction search is at the moment "browsing" is next to impossible.
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