LVL 2: Increases consumable pile to 75 for 500 EASFC points.
LVL 8: Coin boost: Receive an additional 200 coins on your match bonus for the next five games for 350 EASFC points.
LVL 10: Extra squad slot for 800 EASFC points.
LVL 12: Increase trade pile size to 40 items for 500 EASFC points
LVL 13: Change your team name for 2250 EASFC points.
LVL 15: Extra squad slot
LVL 16: Receive an additional 200 coins on your match bonus for the next 10 games for 500 EASFC points.
LVL 20: Increase the size of your watch list to 50 items for 500 EASFC points.
LVL 20: Extra squad slot
LVL 25: Receive an additional 200 coins on your match bonus for the next 15 games for 700 EASFC points.
LVL 25: Extra squad slot.
LVL 29: Extra squad slot.
LVL 31: Extra squad slot.
LVL 32: Receive an additional 1000 coins on your match bonus for the next 5 games for 1000 EASFC points.
LVL 36: Extra squad slot.
LVL 40: Receive an additional 1000 coins on your match bonus for the next 10 games for 1250 EASFC points.
LVL 41: Extra squad slot.
LVL 44: Extra squad slot.
LVL 48: Receive an additional 1000 coins on your match bonus for the next 15 games for 1500 EASFC points.
LVL 49: Extra squad slot.
LVL 59: Recieve an additional 200 coins on your match bonus for the next 5 games for 350 EASFC points
LVL 60-Seasons Draw-1,000
LVL 61-Online Pro Shooting Boost-450
LVL 62-Telling Off Goal Celebration-750
LVL 63-Career Pro Ball Skills Boost-500
LVL 64-Seasons Extra Match-750
LVL 65-Online Pro Ball Skills Boost-500
LVL 66-Career Pro Defense Boost-500
LVL 67-Seasons Win-1,500
LVL 68-Online Pro Defense Boost-500
LVL 69-Career Pro Goalkeeper Boost-500
LVL 70-Water Hose Goal Celebration-800
LVL 71-Seasons Extra Match-750
LVL 72-Online Pro Goalkeeper Boost-500
LVL 73-Career Pro Mental Boost-500
LVL 74-FUT Coin Reward: 200 x 10-500
LVL 75-Seasons Draw-1,000
LVL 76-Online Pro Mental Boost-500
LVL 77-Career Pro Passing Boost-500
LVL 78-Seasons Extra Match-750
LVL 79-Online Pro Passing Boost-500
LVL 80-Why Always Me Goal Celebration-850
LVL 81-Career Pro Physical Boost-500
LVL 82-Seasons Draw-1,000
LVL 83-Online Pro Physical Boost-500
LVL 84-Career Pro Shooting Boost-500
LVL 85-Seasons Extra Match-750
LVL 86-Online Pro Shooting Boost-500
LVL 87-The Worm Goal Celebration-900
LVL 88-FUT Coin Reward Boost: 200 x 15-700
LVL 89-Seasons Win-1,500
LVL 90-Seasons Extra Match-750
LVL 91-FUT Coin Reward Boost: 1000 x 5-1,000
LVL 92-Seasons Draw-1,000
LVL 93-Seasons Extra Match-750
LVL 94-FUT Coin Reward Boost: 1000 x 10-1,250
LVL 95-Seasons Draw-1,000
LVL 96-FUT Coin Reward Boost: 1000 x 10-1,250
LVL 97-Seasons Extra Match-750
LVL 98-Seasons Win-1,500
LVL 99-FUT Coin Reward Boost: 1000 x 15-1,500
LVL 100-Seasons Extra Match-750